Holman WiFi Tap timers intergration?

Hi @nat8, I was looking to do the same. How did you do it in the app? Manual or auto? In wifi connect or direct pairing mode?

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I used auto scan with direct pairing mode to get the gateway up and running. After that for the WX1 and moisture sensors I simply followed the on-screen prompts.

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Thanks @nat8, I ended up also getting it working. I did so many combinations & options I am really not sure what worked in the end for me!

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“dps” stands for data points. It would be interesting to see if someone could add the gateway to HA using the Tuya V2 integration and then enable logging and see what “status” and “function” sets it gives us access to.

The Tuya IOT website allows you to see current states of the devices and to reset states - it’s under de-bugging. That might give a clue to what the dps are showing and how to change them via HA.

This is all involved in setting up Tuya Local. It’s above my skill level, but might be useful.

I have the following in my logs:

[tuya iot] Response: {
  "result": {
    "category": "cz",
    "functions": [
        "code": "switch_1",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
    "status": [
        "code": "switch_1",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
  "success": true,
  "t": 1632024759477

Which doesn’t look like its giving us much. It also doesn’t appear that there is much on the tuya development pages about ‘cz’ type devices unfortunately.

cz is defined as a sensor and a switch - its official type is a socket:
It should at least give you an on/off switch but what that switch does someone will just have to flick it and see what happens

@nat8 did you get the WX1 controls working in Home Assistant? I can see them in the Tuya app, but, can only see the wifi plug in HA…

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I used what @some-guy-in-oz had highlighted earlier with scenes, but I haven’t been able to get HA to turn the WX1 on/off otherwise.

It looks like some work has been done in the localtuya custom component to try and get gateway devices (like the Holman gateway) and sub-devices working… however it’s incomplete, issue #69 ‘Zigbee Devices’ remains open and PR #318 ‘Introducing Support for Zigbee WiFi Gateway’ is open. The work looks promising for the Holman setup.

On the WX1, how long does the battery last? I assume if it really is wifi, it would go through them quickly.

This just popped up - uses a wifi hub and communicates with the water controller via 433mhz, which maybe opens to the way to use a Sonoff hub with Tasmota etc.

If you could capture the 433mhz commands you could use HA, but RF could mean it can’t report its state.

@Steve61 i think that is the same product. The only difference might be the plug and that the Holman product is on 912MHz I believe. Another gateway device might be possible, unfortunately I don’t have any on hand to play with though.

The gateway is WiFi to Zigbee I think (not that there is any documentation to say so). But being on Zigbee will be much lower power draw. So far two weeks in and it’s still reporting full charge, so I guess we’ll wait and see.

That 912/915mhz is a pain - there don’t appear to be any separate hubs that handle that. My Zemismart blinds operate on 915.

The Banggood being 433mhz opens possibilities.

Hmm wifi to Zigbee … ? I wonder if there is the possibility of connecting it to a Conbee or something similar, and running it through ZHA?

Also, can anyone comment on the quality of the WX1? Reviews of the Orbit BHyve are awful (loud water hammering etc). Thoughts?

Also, i noticed that they say you can only attach one moisture sensor per wifi hub. ANyone know if this is true, or found a way to attach more?

EDIT: So, have just tried adding the wifi hub to Local Tuya, and am getting an authentication error. None of my other devices give me that error, so pretty sure it in unsupported at this stage. Also tried tuya and tuya V2, no luck

I haven’t had any trouble with noise or water hammer from the WX1… it seems sturdy enough and doesn’t take up much space. In my setup I just have it running a dripper line, so it might be specific to someone’s setup.

Ok great. Have you had any luck with (local)Tuya/home assistant?

Edit: So just for fun I linked my Tuya account with Google home, and the WX1 itself is discovered and usable as on/off. So I don’t see any reason why it can’t make it into the Tuya integration …

Support for gateways is not yet implemented in localtuya, however the issue and PR i highlighted above seems to indicate there is a plan to implement support…

Despite having no gateway support in anything local, trouble seems elsewhere. I tested what I found using tuya-cli which works via gateway.
Now, the only way I found to flick it is to set 108 to false and that opens valve for time set in 107. Same as “manual watering”. I haven’t found any switch being simply on/off.
If it passes somehow over, the only thing HA would be able to do is to set countdown time and fire it to open and count down.

Also have a WXHUB and WX1 so thought I’d jump on this thread. Similar experience to others so far.

Connected to the tuya smart app (in the tuya smart app, I used add manually > others > Others (wifi) and connected via AP mode). Once connected it invited me to connect up the tap device.

When setting up the tuya integration, the three devices are detected but labeled unsupported.


Research continues.

I am thinking about adding support to localtuya or exposing it as REST and using REST sensor. It does lots of reading but the only thing to do is actually start manual timer. That is twisted too as this timer shrinks. Say, you set 20m, flick it and it will count down 20 minutes to stop but then it will remain set to 0. To use it a sequence is required - set countdown figure and flick on. Clever itself but not perfect sense for integration.
Works with Google as is but again it does countdown timer and there is no way in google to set timer so rather useless.