Hologram rest api

Hi all!

Since I’m quite a noob in HA and in configuration I would ask for some help if anyone has any idea how to tackle this…
I have rest sensor configured as follows:

  - resource: "https://dashboard.hologram.io/api/1/usage/data/monthly"
    method: GET
    username: "apikey"
    password: "******apikey base64 encoded********"
      Authorization: "Basic"
    scan_interval: 120
      name: hologram_usage
      value_template: "{{ value_json }}"

The sensor output is this:

{'success': False, 'error': 'Invalid API Key'}

But if I do this command:

curl -X GET 'https://dashboard.hologram.io/api/1/usage/data/monthly' --header "Authorization: Basic ************apikey base64 encoded**************"

I get this:


Any suggestions how to configure this sensor or what could be the right way? I think the apikey is correct since I get some results from command call.
I would very much appreciate any help or suggestion, I have been struggling for some time now but no luck.