I just picked up a couple of these from Aliexpress. To configure them you need to use the company’s iphone app.
Their page on Aliexpress indicates, with screenshots, that you can easily change from Beacon to iBeacon using the app, but the app actually does not have that function. So it appears to be permanently fixed as “Beacon” only.
Have I just purchased two tiny doorstops?
Does anyone know of a workaround to change it to iBeacon some other way? Google seems to have zero information about this issue.
AIAK they already do send in the iBeacon format, but the descriptions on Aliexpress sometimes are either misleading or at least confusing with Beacon they usually mean the beacon format, with its UUID, Major and Minor definitions.
What broadcasts do you currently see when scanning and receiving these devices?
Which setup page do you see in the app, with the possibility to change the UUID, Major and Minor changeable?
I use their holyiot-beacon app. I can connect to it and even change the UUID, Major, Minor, device name, and password, etc. It would seem to be functioning normally in that respect. However it will not appear in the iBeacon integration, I tried specifically setting the UUID there and it still does not appear. Back in the app, it says it is currently operating as a “Beacon”. When I tell the app to scan for iBeacon devices it finds nothing. The app screenshots on the Aliexpress page are from a different version of the app, as the toggle to change the beacon type is now either missing or hidden somehow.
whichever format the UUID field take - just missed the UUID field in your screenshot above
Then with the Theengs Gateway Add-on (MQTT integration and MQTT broker required if not already installed an in use) they should be auto-discovered as BLE device trackers with Home/Away status, if that woulds be a use can you’d want to use them for.