Hombli Smart Switch Module - How to set up in HA

I had a Hombli Smart Switch Module lying around and installed it a few weeks ago. It works fine with the Hombli app and in Google Home but I am unable to connect it to HA. Am extremely confused on how to get it in there.

It seems to work with Tuya and HA recognizes that there is something new to set up with Tuya but it asks me for Access ID and Access Secret. I googled for it and it tells me to get those at Tuya IoT but I don’t understand anything at the platform. Also no idea why I need those since its already set up in my wifi and this all seems way overcomplicated.

Anyone ever set this up and knows how to do it?
I am completely lost…

Thanks in advance.


Nobody an idea?

You could use the new Tuya Integration from 2024.3.
Just set up the switch using the Tuya (or Smart Life) App and then follow these instructions. You don’t need these Secrets and the API key anymore since 2024.3, fortunately.

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Hi Aron, thanks for your reply but if I follow the instructions it again asks me for the 2 information :frowning:

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What version of HA do you currently have installed? Are you up to date?

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Thanks a lot you two. This did the trick. For some reason the update didn’t show up in the notification but after I did it I could easily install it via Aarons instruction.

Thanks so much!

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