Home Alarm Pad Anomaly


Last night, I upgraded from HA 2021-10-7 to 2022-10-5. Since then, my Manual Alarm keypad looks different, specifically the field where the code appears. It looks to be in an unconfigured state, although it works. Screenshot attached:

I had another entity that looked like this on the card where my thermostat displayed some information, but it was referencing an entity that had been deleted from my config.yaml by the update. I reconfigured it to the new entity and it was fine. The “Code” line of the config.yaml is unchanged and the alarm keypad functions normally, so I am unsure as to what is wrong. There are no log errors that refer to the keypad or the config.yaml.

Any ideas?

That’s just the way it works now. I can’t remember when this changed but I much prefer the old panel card.

Thanks for the info, Daryl. I wondered if that might be the case, but it seems so unfinished. Maybe it will be changed later,
