Home app sets my lamps at 100% brightness


I just did a setup with a Pi, Hass.io, homebridge, conbee and at couple of Ikea and Hue lamps.
In Apple home app all the lamps show up nice and correct. But when i switch a lamp on it automatically gets 100% brightness. In elgato and koogeek app aswell as in hassio web interface it gets the last value instead.

Anyone got any ideas?

I had the same issue. But i’ve set up scenes and use them in the automation. After i set up the scenes it now uses the last scene when turning on the lights.

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@Marie11e could you explain in detail how you did that? I tried it but its not working when using scenes in automations, too. every time when i turn on my lamp with the home app using homebridge the lamp has 100% brightness and not the old state of brightness.

i addition i found this: https://github.com/home-assistant/homebridge-homeassistant/issues/109?_pjax=%23js-repo-pjax-container

seems to be a bug in homebridge-homeassistant.

Looks like it… Have you tried this:

Light Support
If supported, lights will display brightness, hue, saturation, and/or color temperature.

By default, Homebridge will allow a color temperature between 50 and 400 mireds. You can override this for your specific light(s) by using homebridge_min_mireds and homebridge_max_mireds.

I think this options don’t affect the brighness, they are for the color temperature which I don’t need in my case.

Here’s a blueprint I just created that might do what you need: