Home Assisant remote access static ip and domain from wix

Hi is any possible way to use the domain from Wix? No duck dns ?

I create a subdomain in Wix I wrote my static IP. When i ping Ip address I go respond and when I ping name.com got ping from my local ip address.

But now I don’t know what to do to connect my domain or extend the address to connect to HA. I try to port forward from 443 to 8123 errors
Second, I don’t know how to setup ssl for my personal domain. I any hope somebody helps me or links some article about how to do that? I spend hours trying to find a solution but no luck also all-time I found only tutorials about duck DNS.

Hi welcome to the community. I believe you already have the duckdns domain working. I dont know if answers your issue but why cant you redirect your wix domain to the duckdns domain.
this would be the easiest method or you can try the following link for a detailed guide.

I’m also using my own domain and wrote a little guide here in my repo on how I setup remote access with a reverse proxy.

If I understand OP correctly he doesn’t use DuckDNS.

ok then i check it all again I’m not too experienced in this area.

I try to configure duck DNS it works from outside my local net

from a mobile phone but doesn’t work on locally from address ip any matter what page does not exist. Thanks for sheminasalam for tip i read that but is to complicated to mi i don’t much-understood witch this article part jest but does not explain steps

the simple way would be to configure duckdns and then forward wix to that url

ok duck DNS work already only can’t log in from HTTP or IP address locally I don’t know how to proxy.
that? forward how? Is obviously You know more than me and miss all steps just say forward:)

If you have any doubts with duckdns I think you should check this video.

After that you can redirect wix domain to duckdns with this guide.

that’s a video I figure out and all work but still, don’t know ho to redirect to Wix now?

Yes. I assume wix is just domain provider so all you need to do is point wix to your server

Your site.com>>WiX>>yourhomerouterip>>homerouter port>>ha server port

I put above so you may get general idea of flow

Good. Sound like WiX to homerouter OK

Just verify you using correct port and port is forwarded

Also, make sure http (no ssl) or https(ssl enabled, setup and working).

https://yoursite will show error if no ssl setup.
http://yoursite will likely work ok

As test, you can temporarily check you get HA login page with http but do NOT login or setup device to connect. Check with web browser not HA app.

After check, you can setup the ssl.

Hi, and thanks for the help. Ok, I’m one step closer.

On wix i setup my.domane.com check on https://dnschecker.org/
are shows and response.

Second step

I go to my router and forward the ports

my.local.IP 443 for 8123
my.local.IP 80 for 8123 to get certificate.

When I try to connect my local network is not work I dunno why maybe some tips? When i put https://local.ip work fine

I kick out mobile Phone from wifi

https://my.domane.com popup login screen my HA
http://my.domane.com page not found

Now I try to setup sll and hit a wall.

I download Let’s Encrypt addon for HA

My config

email: [email protected]

  • mydomain.com
    certfile: fullchain.pem
    keyfile: privkey.pem
    challenge: http
    dns: {}

Log from Lets Encrypt

Challenge failed for domain Mydomain.com
http-01 challenge for Mydomain.com
Cleaning up challenges

  • The following errors were reported by the server:
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Type: connection
    Detail: Fetching
    Error getting validation data
    To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
    entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain
    contain(s) the right IP address. Additionally, please check that
    your computer has a publicly routable IP address and that no
    firewalls are preventing the server from communicating with the
    client. If you’re using the webroot plugin, you should also verify
    that you are serving files from the webroot path you provided.
    Some challenges have failed.

I understood I need to add something in Wix domain control?

but what and where i dunno??

In configuration.yaml
I add

base_url: mydomain.com
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
ip_ban_enabled: Truerobertb
login_attempts_threshold: 3

Any help on how to get this done? I am closer and closer but still no full victory.

This means you should be forwarding your router to HA server port 443 and connect through wix domain using https

OK topic is close I cant get cert because Wix block generate cert from external providers/programs