Home Assistant 0.86.4 Sensor Graph issue

Hi! although sensor data comes as expected from a Current sensor… when changing(Configure UI) in Sensor Configuration Card the tab Graph Type from “none” to “line” (any Graph Detail)… the system becomes really slow! Checking Rpi CPU usage (htop command) Home Assistant is the one who causes the problem!
(Graphs is visible but everything runs very slow!)
Environment configuration:
Home Assistant 0.84.4 / Docker container / Rpi 3

any ideas? Thanx

Get a better system. The sensor graph uses database look ups to display the graph (same as the history page, logbook page, and history cards). Database lookup can be intensive on any system, let alone a raspi. I had the same issues, switched to a NUC and I display 20 on a page w/o any slowdown.

Try the mini graph card instead. This many custom mini graph cards takes about 10 seconds to fully display on my pi3b

But it doesn’t particularly slow down the front end responsiveness.

not sure if this will have an impact as it’s essentially the same card. The built in card was made by the developer of the custom card. It’s just that the built in card hasn’t had the same updates, but the underlying code that grabs the information is the same.

Thank you for the replies…
tom_i nice configuration!
i will try mini-graph-card… I suppose that need to change Lovelace UI to .yaml mode and then add the mini-graph-card. (?)

No. You can use the raw editor to add the resources and the manual card to add the graph.

… not really sure how to do it! :confused: can you give me an example?

Seems that found the way!

but… still loads too slow! (in fact, current samples is every 5 sec!(testing) but is that really the reason??

That’s probably your issue. I only have 12 samples per hour set.