Home Assistant access via a Cloudflare Tunnel

I am running Home Assistant in a Docker container on a Raspberry Pi 4. I am trying to use a Cloudflare Tunnel I set up to access my instance from a custom domain home-assistant.mydomain.com.

Since I couldn’t get a Cloudflared Docker image to work on my Raspberry Pi 4, I set up the tunnel using the Cloudflare CLI.

I also created a public hostname to be accessed via this tunnel: home-assistant.mydomain.com

However, I get the 400 bad request page:

I even tried adding the configuration in my configuration.yaml file as mentioned in the Cloudflared Addon for Home Assistant documentation:

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

This did not work likely because that’s for the Cloudflared Addon Docker container?

Any ideas?

I was able to successfully get a public hostname to Plex accessible via this tunnel: plex.mydomain.com though.

Does anyone know of a Cloudflared Docker image that works and a complete documentation to set it up with Home Assistant?


exactly. If you installed cloudflared somehow and somewhere different, you need to adapt trusted_proxies to fit your environment. I guess the 400 error will be logged with the proxy IP on HA Core, did you check the logs for a corresponding entry?

May I ask why the Cloudflare Add-on is not working for you? Maybe you can outline which parts of the documentation are not detailed enough so we can improve this parts.

I am using Home Assistant Container on a Raspberry Pi 4.

I know that we can’t use addons with Home Home Assistant Container as I am hosting a couple of other applications on the Pi. Is there a way to use the Cloudflare Add-on with Home Assistant Container?

I needed an armv7 image of Cloudflared for my Pi. Found this Docker image but I got stuck not understanding how to configure the tunnels properly. Any help with some steps here would be appreciated.

Hence I eventually used the Cloudflare CLI.

I get the following error in Home Assistant:

Logger: homeassistant.components.http.forwarded
Source: components/http/forwarded.py:123
Integration: HTTP (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 3:37:51 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:37:51 PM

Received X-Forwarded-For header from an untrusted proxy [MY IP ADDRESS]

Got it working by adding my IP address in the trusted_proxies:

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

I hope this is correct and doesn’t cause any other issues or security concerns.


I’ve got this same issue as originally described. I’m running HA in Docker on a Synology NAS and have setup Cloudflared similarly. I get the exact same 400 error (formatting wise and all).

I have (already had) the http integration exactly as you have it… but no cigars for me so I’m not sure its the solution. Was there anything else you did?


It suddenly works when I wake up today. I did nothing and simply keeps the setting in config.yaml.

Exactly same issue here.

Before I add the aforesaid http integration, I got a 400 error and HA logged the follows:

Logger: homeassistant.components.http.forwarded
Source: components/http/forwarded.py:114
Integration: HTTP (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 02:21:00 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 02:21:00

A request from a reverse proxy was received from, but your HTTP integration is not set-up for reverse proxies

Then I added the following in my comfig.yaml

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

After that, I got a 404 error.

I’m pretty sure the tunnel works properly, as I can access other services by the same setting. Just HA is inaccessible. Any idea how to resolve it?

I don’t think I did anything else.

If you’re using the Cloudflared container then you probably need this configuration:

  use_x_forwarded_for: true
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I’ll check all my configurations again and let you guys know if there’s anything unique I did to get this to work.

what do you mean by “MY IP ADDRESS”? Is that the ip address of the machine that runs the tunnel?

My IP address was the IP address of the Raspberry Pi 4 where Cloudflared is installed. In my case

Hence, I added:

  use_x_forwarded_for: true
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!See next comment for Zero Trust Dashboard based configuration!

@wwwescape - Did you manage to get the docker image working? Thanks to your tip I managed to get it working. I tried the zero trust dashboard way of configuring first but when that didn’t work I created a named tunnel using CLI and then used that as the config for the docker image. I think it should work with the zero trust way as well but didn’t have time to try again. Here’s what I did

  1. On a separate machine (I am running Pi 3 so I couldn’t run CLI on the PI), installed CLI and created a tunnel
    Note: mytunnel is the name I used for the tunnel. This can be anything.
cloudflared tunnel login
cloudflared tunnel create mytunnel
  1. The login command creates a cert.pem and the create command creates a tunnel and installs a tunnel credentials file locally.

  2. Copied the cert.pem and the tunnel credentials file to the pi into a folder (this folder will be mapped to a docker volume). Folder Name I used: cloudflared

  3. Created a config.yml file in the same folder

tunnel: <<tunnel_id>>
credentials-file: /etc/cloudflared/<<tunnel_id>>.json

  - hostname: <<domain_name>>
    service: http://<<hass_ip>>:<hass_port>>
  - service: http_status:404
  1. docker-compose config
version: '3'

    image: erisamoe/cloudflared
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./cloudflared:/etc/cloudflared
    command: tunnel run mytunnel
    network_mode: host
  1. home-assistant config
  use_x_forwarded_for: true


  1. I couldn’t get this working with HTTPS on the home-assistant instance. I think it is just a syntax issue with using noTLSVerify. This post might help fix it: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/cloudflared-ignores-notlsverify-option/233448/4
  2. I couldn’t get this working with a tunnel created in the Zero Trush Dashboard as I couldn’t figure out how to create the credentials file.

Just after I posted above, I managed to get the Zero Trust Dashboard working.

  1. Create tunnel in Zero Trust Dashboard
  2. Using CLI, get token for the above tunnel
cloudflared tunnel login
cloudflared tunnel token <<tunnel_name>>
  1. Copy cert.pem from the login command to the cloudflared docker volume.
  2. Save tunnel token to .env file in docker root
  1. docker-compose configuration
    image: erisamoe/cloudflared
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: tunnel run
    network_mode: host
  1. home-assistant config
  use_x_forwarded_for: true

The advantage with this method is that config changes can be made in the dashboard and it gets picked up automatically by the tunnel.


i’m using this successfully, and also have an Cloudflare Access profile that restricts access to my email address. Trying to figure out how I can securely allow Smartthings to access the webhook without opening it up beyond that

I never got around to trying the Docker image. Been too busy with other stuff.

When I get time, I will give this a go. Thanks for the detailed steps.

Just wondering why that ip address you mention?, Has when I look on there list of ip addresses that is not on it.

The list I’m looking at is this.