Home Assistant Add-On: OpenSpeedTest

Home Assistant Add-on: OpenSpeedTest

Supports aarch64 Architecture Supports amd64 Architecture Supports armhf Architecture Supports armv7 Architecture Supports i386 Architecture

Free & Open-Source HTML5 Network Performance Estimation Tool.


Allows testing the network speed between any device in your local network and the device that runs Home Assistant. This is an alternative to running iperf3 server on the Home Assistant server and iperf3 client on another device in your local network. Advantage is that testing is done via your browser.

See https://openspeedtest.com/


Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

If you want to do add the repository manually, please follow the procedure highlighted in the Home Assistant website . Use the following URL to add this repository: https://github.com/tronikos/home-assistant-addons

Refresh your browser and install the add-on from the new repository.

How to use

Just install, start the container and click on “Open Web UI”.


Again, this tests the network speed between any Web client and your Home Assistant server. It doesn’t test your internet speed. This is helpful e.g. for finding the best location of mesh wireless access points or repeaters.


Thanks for this @tronikos!
Just discovered today and it was exactly what I was looking for

Hi, Does this add on stil work? Cant find it in HA Add-ons.