Home Assistant Add-on: PostgreSQL + TimescaleDB

Update: Expaso added a so-called standalone mode, making my manual script handling unnecessary. Thanks a lot!

Hi! With the @expaso 's help, I managed to recover the data fine and documented it in this repository: GitHub - hnykda/backup-restore-ha-timescaledb: A repository with tools and examples to backup, validate and restore postgresql+timescaledb with LTSS for HA . Thanks @expaso !

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Addon Version 4 has arrived, finally!! :partying_face:

This release contains the long requested and awaited timescaledb-toolkit!

If you use the timescaledb-extras scripts, please apply them again after upgrade, because the upgrade procedure in the addon has to remove some objects that are otherwise blocking the upgrade of TimescaleDb.

If you have any questions of difficulties with the upgrade, please let me know. I will be happy to assist.

Also: I take feature-requests seriously. So make sure you create a ticket for them, on github ( Issues ¡ Expaso/hassos-addon-timescaledb (github.com)).


Kind regards, Hans


Fantastic work Expaso, truly appretiated! Im giving it a swirl for the first time today.

Everything went smooth setting it up, apart from that I first attempted to create a new user (homeassistant) and provided it regular access (read/write) only in postgres. This resulted in the recorder not being able to load properly, so I reverted to the postgres admin user. All good after that, but not sure if it was a missing priviledge in postgres or some config in HA.

Anyways, proceed testing :slight_smile:

Few questions:

Today I run the SQLite database and only keep three days but also scrape with Prometheus due to the nature of longer term stats I want to retain and keep the native HA DB down in size.

With this I could leverage PSQL+TSDB and replace both SQLite and decouple my Prometheus from this? I won’t be getting ride of Prometheus as I use it for other monitoring efforts in the home ecosystem.

Is there any good documented procedure to “slurp” in all the existing SQLite records into this PSQL+TSDB model?

I read about Long Time state storage from an HACS add-on and is this required anymore? Wouldn’t HA take care of this natively for long term stats from the SQL stuff they do natively or is this required still?


Hi @pyrodex!

This addons, in combination with LTSS replaces the SQLLite database entirely.

The SQLLite database is used by the home-assistant recorder, which you can give a connection-string to the TimescaleDB addon.
The recorder records say 3 days of detailed data, that is now going into your SQLLite, but then goes into Porstgres (this addon).

Next to that, you install LTSS (which is literally a beefed-up version of the recorder component) and post it ALSO to a secondary database of this addon.
Now, LTSS does not delete data. So all your detailed data that goes into the recorder, also goes into LTSS.

But… Within the timescale-addon, you process that data by means of compression and/or down-sampling (continues aggregates) of this detailed data so you can do fast statistics on it.

Personally, I run this addon for almost 4 years now in my own home setup on a raspberry pi 4. the size of my database is like 53GB, and I have NEVER deleted any data, nor do I have any performance issues. My dashboards are lightning fast, all thanks to TimescaleDb and it’s compresson + aggregate features.

Edit: to answer your question: Yes, there is small overlap with HA’s own Long Term Statistics, but these statistics are accumulated in a different way and are locked into HA. With this addon, you can take data from any source, and combine it with SQL. This is needed if you want to build your own custom dashboards.

Note that since you are replacing SQLLite, ALL of HA’s data is also stored in a postgresql database within the addon. Here you’ll see that HA’s Long Term statistics are just tables within my addon:

And here is the documentation of it:

Long- and short-term statistics | Home Assistant Data Science Portal (home-assistant.io)

Oh yeah, use pgLoader to migrate existing data if you like: SQLite to Postgres — pgloader 3.6.9 documentation

All in all: It all works beautifully together complementaring eachother. This is the real power of home-assistant, right here :wink:

Just thinking: Could it be that your user did not have the rights to create or alter the schema? You could try to add those rights, and try again…

@Expaso Is the normal HA data optimized with this addon or do you need to use LTSS to benefit from it?

I.e. without any extra configuration (other than installation) will this be more performant (moar speed and less size) than for example MariaDB?

Does anyone migrated from MySQL to Postgres? I’ve seen there is the pgloader app that can be installed, but maybe there is an easier solution.

Otherwise i would deploy a additional postgres server with pgloader, backup and restore to this Add-on.

Hi Expanso

I have an HA install with TimescaleDB Addon v 2.1.1 .

My system tells me I can upgrade to 4.0.1 - great. But when I tried this I got a message saying my DB was incompatible.

This could have been made trickier by lack of disk space. I eventually got it
back to the same place

I’ve how upgraded to a bigger disk, but I don’t want to risk pressing the upgrade
button in HA in case it blows up again. Obviously, I could backup, try, restore -
but even that feels risky

Do you thnk it can upgrade from 2.1.1 to 4.0.1? If not, what is the procedure?


Martin Green

A question… Which tables I should clear while excluding entities which do not make sense to store?

Im just in beginning of this process as noticed that my DB getting too large with all nonsense :slight_smile:

This is my current configuration:

  db_url: !secret psql_string
  db_retry_wait: 15 # Wait 15 seconds before retrying
      - automation
      - updater
      - sensor.weather_*
      - sensor.*rssi
      - sensor.*_voltage
      - sun.sun # Don't record sun data
      - sensor.last_boot # Comes from 'systemmonitor' sensor platform
      - sensor.date
      - call_service # Don't record service calls

  db_url: postgresql://xxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@77b2833f-timescaledb/homeassistant
    - sensor
      - automation
      - updater
      - sensor.weather_*
      - sensor.*rssi
      - sensor.*_voltage

While doing delete to existing entries, which tables I need to clear?

Currently deleting from this table:

DELETE FROM public.ltss
WHERE entity_id like 'sensor.%_voltage';

Then how about these as there are nice chuck of data?


I just performed a successful migration from SQLite to PostgreSQL+Timescale DB. SQLite has performance issues that make it difficult to process larger data sets. My general recommended procedure:

  1. Create your new Home Assistant database (and password) and get everything ready for “move in” day.
  2. Grab a full backup of pre-migration Home Assistant. The next steps may wreck your instance if something goes wrong so having a pre-planned “emergency escape route” is highly recommended.
  3. Shut down Home Assistant from the CLI by using ha core stop.
  4. Modify the Home Assistant recorder configuration file to reference the new database.
  5. Download home-assistant_v2.db to a working directory.
  6. Create a migration.sql file for PGLoader in the working directory:
load database
from sqlite:///path/to/local/home-assistant_v2.db
into postgresql://USER:[email protected]/yournewhomeassistantdb
with data only, drop indexes, reset sequences, truncate, batch rows = 1000;
  1. Start Home Assistant on the CLI by using ha core start on the CLI.
  2. Verify that all of the events and logs are blank. We’re initializing the new database tables here so there shouldn’t be anything in there yet.
  3. After verifying that Home Assistant is working on the new database (see step 8), stop Home Assistant by using ha core stop again on the CLI.
  4. Load the SQLite data into the SQL database. You should end up with a summary like:
             table name     errors       rows      bytes      total time
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                  fetch          0          0                     0.000s
        fetch meta data          0         55                     0.024s
      Drop Foreign Keys          0         14                     0.012s
           Drop Indexes          0         33                     0.020s
               Truncate          0         13                     0.020s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
             event_data          0       3316   456.0 kB          0.068s
       state_attributes          0     110320    18.9 MB          0.604s
        statistics_meta          0         85     5.0 kB          0.688s
         schema_changes          0          9     0.3 kB          0.748s
                 events          0      16436     1.7 MB          0.824s
  statistics_short_term          0     168080    13.0 MB          1.824s
          recorder_runs          0         19     1.6 kB          0.004s
        statistics_runs          0       3619   120.2 kB          0.096s
             statistics          0     138896    11.8 MB          0.984s
            event_types          0         37     0.9 kB          0.596s
      migration_changes          0          4     0.1 kB          0.688s
            states_meta          0       9063   589.7 kB          0.044s
                 states          0     332245    46.2 MB          1.980s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
COPY Threads Completion          0          4                     3.284s
         Create Indexes          0         33                     4.308s
 Index Build Completion          0         33                     0.652s
        Reset Sequences          0          0                     0.048s
           Primary Keys          0         13                     0.020s
    Create Foreign Keys          0          7                     0.276s
       Install Comments          0          0                     0.000s
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
      Total import time          ✓     782129    92.8 MB          8.588s
  1. Start Home Assistant on the CLI using ha core start.
  2. Verify that the old data was loaded properly.

NOTE: Based partially off of: Migrate Home Assistant from SQLite to PostgreSQL

Does anyone else have issues with HA 2024.8? Uppon load of the LTSS integration during ha startup, TimeScaleDB restarts. This makes the HA recorder losing connection. I am not sure where this issue belongs as it relates to three products. I think this happens during db schema update that comes with ha 2024.8.

I have created a bug report.

Hi @balk77 , author of Timescaledb addon here, This sounds not good…

Is this a onetimer or does TimescaleDb dont want to start at all after this error?

Btw, thanks for your detailed bug report. Really appreciate the detail of information. :+1:t2:
I will look into this asap and track progress through the bugreport on github.

Currently I am abroad, but will fly back tomorrow.

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Perhaps a slightly different topic. But since this addon uses PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB, still relevant.
There is currently a high rated security issue for all those who backup their database via pg_dump using the root user: PostgreSQL: CVE-2024-7348: PostgreSQL relation replacement during pg_dump executes arbitrary SQL
In such a case you should update the affected Postgres version and/or not use a root user for backups.

It happened several times. Every time the db crashes, which causes the recorder to fail. At that point, tsdb starts but it is not connected to ltss or ha.

Will try to disable ltss and retry to see what happens. Not home though, will test in couple of days.

Thanks for the wonderful addon!

Hi Martin,

Check the github issue for a tested solution, or reach out to discord: Expaso's server

I will update PostgreSql and related tools then…

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Looks like a bug in Timescale, currently working on a new version of the addon whereby I will update Timescale to address this issue.

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Very usefull!! I will add this to the migration section!

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In PgAdmin, I don’t have the statistics as in your screenshot.
I see following message:

Is it OK to run this command ?