Home Assistant Add-on: PostgreSQL + TimescaleDB

Hi @GeertV,

I don’t have system_stats included in the addon by default. I don’t have it installed anyway.
Perhaps I could add it to the next version of the addon. I have created a feature request for it so I won’t forget.

New versions of the addon have been released (pgAdmin as well as Timescale).
For any issues, please use the github issue tracker as mentioned in the addon-docs.

Thank you all for your support and valuable input! :pray:t2:

Hey, is there a way to connect the postgresql with home assistant via the socket connection?

My recorder won’t connect with the link from the documentation, e.g. postgresql://@/DB_NAME

Appreciate any help!

socket connection is available only if db is running on the same machine.

Your example of connection URI is incomplete though

The recorder URL that I use is:


For fresh installations (you haven’t yet created a user of password yourself), the full connectionstring would be:


You can try that for a start, but I would strongly encourage you to create a separate username, and change the default password of the postgresql user.

The /homeassistant at the end is the postgresql database name. The Addon will create this database for you by default.

The 77b2833f-timescaledb part is fixed for everyone. It’s the unique internal hostname of the addon.
You should only change this if you run the addon-docker-image from a different machine or on a non-supervised installation.

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