Home Assistant Add-on: PSA Car Controller

My new integration GitHub - andreadegiovine/homeassistant-stellantis-vehicles (inspired by GitHub - flobz/psa_car_controller: Control psa car with connected_car v4 API.) in BETA version is available.
Don’t forget to include logs in issue requests.
Many thanks.


I dont suppose anyone knows if this amazing addon can be changed to Miles instead of Kilometers and GBP instead of Euro ? Thanks loads :slight_smile:

Here you have info how to change currency

http://homeassistant.local:5000/settings/Electricity_config (you can change all parameters which are here)

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@flobz I understand that this is an old topic, but maybe you could pinpoint me in a direction how I can do a contribution to get my issue to work.

I have a Citroen EC4. I have setup an automation to activate preconditioning. This automation is executed as expected and runs without errors. In the log you see:

2025-02-03 07:31:12,113 :: INFO :: <MY-IP> - - [03/Feb/2025 07:31:12] "e[37mGET /preconditioning/<MY-VIN>/1 HTTP/1.1e[0m" 200

Sadly there is no json response what is going on. I also tried out a curl .../preconditioning/<MY-VIN>/1, but this simply returns true. However when I monitor my car this does not result in that it actually starts the preconditioning.

When I open My Citroen app and activate the preconditioning than after some time it prompts me for my pin code. After I pass in my pin code and wait some more time it starts the preconditioning.

I guess the problem is that in order to activate preconditioning it sometimes ask you for the pin code and sometimes it does not. I would guess it has something to do with how long ago you entered your pin code.

My question is can you help me or pin point me into the direction where in the code base I need to look in order to debug this and make some contribution to get this flow to work?

I switched to GitHub - andreadegiovine/homeassistant-stellantis-vehicles and there everything works out of the box for me.

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