Home Assistant Add-on: Snapdrop

Hi All,

For my first go at a Home Asssitant Addon, I created a repository with a Snapdrop Addon.

Snapdrop is a clone of AirDrop written to work in a web browser and using web sockets and WebRTC to transmit and recieve files on the same local IP subnet (i.e. 192.168.1.x). All machines must access snapdrop from the Home Assistant interface for them to talk using this addon.

Here is a demo of what it looks like within Home Assistant:

To install the addon, you need to go into supervisor -> Addons -> Add Repository and then put in https://github.com/deftdawg/homeassistant-addons

Then you’ll need to select snapdrop from the Addons page when it appears, install it, start it and set it to show on side panel.




Hi there, thank you for creating this add on, unfortunately it no longer is possible to install it. Do you have any plans on updating it?

Hi! Have you considered packaging PairDrop as an add-on? It’s a fork of SnapDrop with a few more features.

The addon’s been fixed to be installable again.

Tbqh I’ve never heard of pairdrop until now… I’ll take a look, it’d be of particular interest if the internet feature can be hosted by HA (I’m not fond of sending bits through someone else’s server).