Home Assistant addon : qbittorrent (supports openvpn & smb mounts)

For some reason i tried to start vom scratch with the addon. I stopped it, deleted the qbittorrent folder in the config directory of ha and deinstalled the addon. The installed it again, and when i start it it now it shows the following log:

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 00-.sh: executing... 
/var/run/s6/etc/cont-init.d/00-.sh: line 26: syntax error near unexpected token `&&'
/var/run/s6/etc/cont-init.d/00-.sh: line 26: `    && curl -L -f -s -o /usr/bin/tempio \'
[cont-init.d] 00-.sh: exited 2.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.

Any chance to revive the addon?

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Hi, iā€™ve pushed a new version that will solve that, thanks for reporting! Just refresh your repo in the supervisor tab and youā€™ll see the new version.

The good news is that this added script (that caused the issue) allows everyone to install the addon - in the past some people on HA supervised had a failure on build and this will prevent it. new features :

  • Allows installation on supervised systems that do not support downloading during build
  • Allows mounting SMB shares by name (exemple, you can mount the partition named ā€œNASā€) in addition to the mount using the disk id (example : sda1)

Thanks for the fast help, it starts again. The reason why i tried to reinstall and start from beginning was that all my new torrents are stalled, when i look into the download folder there ist nothing, no new created directory neither new files.
At first i thought it must be the permissions, but when i log into the docker container (docker exec -it e6ca94a1ffff /bin/bash) and try to make a folder everything is fine, the container can write to the smb mount. But the torrent is stalled in qbittorrent.
I have one smbmount //myhome.ip/leechdir and this one is mounted in /mnt/leechdir in the docker container. In the settings of qbittorrent the path to save is /mnt/leechdir. Am i missing something?

Thatā€™s probably normal not to have the files in the downloads dir if the incomplete dir is enabled?isnā€™t it next to the downloads dir on the smb share?

Indeed it seems fineā€¦ When you write myhome.ip, I suppose you normally put your real ip? As smb mount does not support names.

And so when you go in the addon itself, the smb share is mounted to the write path?

Last solution would be for you to delete the /config/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.conf file and restart the addon to recreate it. Actually removing the addon does nothing, the config is stored in /cinfig/qBittorrent.
EDIT : just read that you had done that so not sure what could cause thatā€¦ You could try the transmission addon to check if the issue is with the addon or not


Iā€™ve just tested with my own system on the latest version and a magnet downloads fineā€¦

As always thanks for you help and time.
Seems that the problem is caused by the tracker, tried it with another download with a different tracker and there all is working fine. So the problem was not the paths neither with your addon :grinning:

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I have installed and tested it and it works great!!! Thanks!

I have seen the file watched_folders.json in \config\qBittorrent\ but I donā€™t know how to use it. I guess it would store a path where you place the .torrent files and qbittorrent will load it automaticallyā€¦ but I would appreciate a lot if you could give an example of the content of this json file :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance!

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Hi, thanks! Iā€™m pretty sure t I can be configured from the UI, or here is an example of how to fill it manually : Watch folder broken in 4.3.5 or later Ā· Issue #15127 Ā· qbittorrent/qBittorrent Ā· GitHub


Got it working! Thanks @alexbelgium!

I havenā€™t found a way to configure it from the UI, but with the example I did it manually. BTW, I recommend to check the json file with JSON Online Validator and Formatter - JSON Lint in case that you had any problems.

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Thanks for sharing!

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I have configured the MailNotification section in qbittorrent.conf but it is not working. I have this configuration:

MailNotification\[email protected]
MailNotification\[email protected]
MailNotification\[email protected]

These settings are the same as in my IPCams, except from the smtp server port, that I donā€™t know how to configure it here. Could that be the problem?

In the logs I got this error:

Email Notification Error: was rejected by server, msg: 530 Authentication required

Any ideas are welcome!

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Hi, perhaps you could try also to configure through the original ui? I see that some people are making it work, like here : qBittorrent SMTP Settings, not sending emails Ā· Issue #106 Ā· linuxserver/docker-qbittorrent Ā· GitHub

It seems that the lack of smtp port configuration is something inherent to qbittorrentā€¦

Also, are you using openvpn? All network is challenneled through the vpn so that could also be a potential failure path?

Other people had this issue and found that an alternative was to use a shell script: Email Notification Error Ā· Issue #1205 Ā· qbittorrent/qBittorrent Ā· GitHub

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Thanks @alexbelgium for your hint! Solved it using this guide: Email notification upon completion of downloads - qBittorrent official forums (shiki.hu)

The trick is that you need to generate an app password to let qBittorret send emails. You can do this in your gmail account settings->Security->Applications passwords (or something like that, I have the menus in spanish :smiley: ). With this configuration I have it working (I have just discovered the original UI :man_facepalming:):

MailNotification\[email protected]
MailNotification\password=<Your app password, NOT your gmail account password>
MailNotification\[email protected]
MailNotification\[email protected]

OpenVPN will be my next step, stay tuned :smiley:

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Excuse my ignorance butā€¦ how do I get the config.ovpn file to configure OpenVPN option? I have registered in Business VPN | Next-Gen VPN | OpenVPN so I have a user & password but i need a config.ovpn file. I have tried one of these: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/openvpn/openvpn.zip but I got:

AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED

Iā€™m sure I have missed somethingā€¦

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Hi, I donā€™t use openvpn myself but I think your vpn provider should provide one somewhere on its site as it is a standard protocoleā€¦ When I tested the addon I think I used a free one from Free OpenVPN - Free VPN access with no restrictions! ! I see for example that nordvpn provides directly those files.

Perhaps other people on the thread would have a more precise answer!

Edit : I also see that openvpn.net has a page describing the generation of the ovpn conf file here Creating Configuration Files For Server And Clients | OpenVPN

Hi Alex. Thank you for the addon! was using Qbittorent for ages, and Ive always wanted a HA integration! My issue ( yes , sadly there is one :sweat_smile: ) is that in the latest build, I get an error "/usr/lib/bashio/jq.sh: line 26: jq: command not found" , and the addon doesnt start :frowning:
is this a known issue?


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Hi Loren, thanks for reporting! Argh, they moved the upstream image to alpine from Ubuntu. Size will be smaller, it could be faster, but so one of my script doesnā€™t work. Iā€™ll update, the new version will be up in at most one hour. Have fun!

HI again,

The new version is up and I tested that it works :slight_smile: If you have any other issues, please let me know

And welcome to the HA community :wink: as it seems to be your first post

Best regards

Wow, that was a fast fix! Thank you for the fast reply! I will try to uninstall it and install it again to see if I will get the new version :smiley:

Thank you! HA has become a awesome Smart House ā€œmust haveā€, thanks to people like you :smiley:
Have a lovely day :smiley:

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