Home Assistant after modification

Hi, I state that I am a first-time user with Home Assistant.
I tried to search on some threads, on the forum, without finding what I needed, so here is my problem:
I have previously installed Hassos on a Virtual Box running on a notebook, 24/7.
Everything was working fine, until I installed the “Duck dns” addon, since then I haven’t been able to connect on HA.
Given my inexperience I tried to install a second Hassos, (always on VirtualBox), but even with a new session I have no way to connect (, if instead I do ( ), the following message appears:
Home Assistant observer
Supervisor: Connected
Supported: Supported
Healthy: Healthy

I would be very grateful to anyone who can help me.
Thank you

If you installed DuckDNS (and installed the included let’s encrypt certificates) you must use https not http.

Thanks for your answer
I also tried with https, but the server is not responding.
Then I did a new installation, I get the IP address, but I can’t connect to Home Assistant even for the first installation.