Home Assistant and Appdaemon Logs show UTC time

I am having a problem where it seems Home Assistant and Appdaemon are running under UTC time for automations…

Here is a picture of my dashboard


Here is a sample of my Home assistant log, note date and time:

2019-03-27 20:08:17 INFO (Thread-6) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.netgear] Scanning
2019-03-27 20:08:17 INFO (Thread-6) [pynetgear] Get attached devices

Here is a sample of my appdaemon log, note date and time:

2019-03-27 20:00:34.146034 INFO camera_motion_detect: Back Porch Light - 10, is now off
2019-03-27 20:00:42.202097 INFO hallway_motion: 8
2019-03-27 20:00:42.210822 INFO hallway_motion: 0

I am on a pi 3+ and newly installed hassbian.

My configuration.yaml

  time_zone: America/Los_Angeles

I have scoured through previous problems on here but cannot find a solution. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Not sure what your question is, but logs are in UTC time indeed and you can’t change this.
Why would you want the logs in a different timezone? What do you use the logs for except to check that everything is working well?

Thank you. Sorry I was not clear. It appears to me that my automations are being triggered in UTC time, not local time. I will wait another day or two to see what actually happens at sunset and update this if there is still a problem.

not that should not be the case. your automation should trigger at your local time.
Since it shows 13:14 for the local hour when UTC is 20:14, it sounds like your config is correct.
Can you share the automation that doesn’t trigger at the right time?

The automation did not trigger last night, so I don’t have any audit trail, per se, but I will give it one more day without tampering with the code to make sure it is still a problem. Thank you for your interest and concern.

if it didn’t trigger at all, it’s more likely something else than a UTC issue I would have thought.
I’m still happy to have a look at your automation if you wish

The time travel feature should stop you having to wait for a day to check.

Here is my log from last night...sunset was at 7:22 pm

Here are my automations (I added the “initial_state: true” after reading some previous posts) because I thought that could be my problem, however I had these same automations in a previous build on a pi3 and had no problems…

- id: '1528743227414'
  alias: On at sunset
  - event: sunset
    platform: sun
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: switch.ge_14284_outdoor_smart_switch_switch
    service: switch.turn_on
  - data:
      message: Lights are on at Sunset
    service: notify.notify
  - data:
      entity_id: group.outside_courtyard_lights
    service: light.turn_on
  initial_state: true
- id: '1528743528497'
  alias: Off at 9:00 pm
  initial_state: true
  - at: '21:00:00'
    platform: time
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: switch.ge_14284_outdoor_smart_switch_switch
    service: switch.turn_off
  - data:
      entity_id: group.outside_courtyard_lights
    service: light.turn_off
  - data:
      entity_id: group.outside_courtyard_lights
    service: light.turn_off
  - data:
      message: lights are off at 9:00 pm
    service: notify.notify

Tuesday, March 26 7:22pm Sunset

I went back and looked at the logs for March 26 and found that the automation turned on at 7:33, which was after the sun had set, so that could be the problem. As you can see from the log entries, I triggered the automation manually quite a few times before that.

Thanks again for your interest in helping me resolve this issue!

What timezone do you have your Pi set to?

I had the same problem (events running at the wrong time) and found my OS timezone wasn’t set.

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time_zone: America/Los_Angeles

Thanks, I will check that out!

I am no means proficient in linux

(appdaemon) homeassistant@hassbian:/home/pi $ appdaemon -s "2019-03-27 19:16:00"
FATAL: no configuration directory defined and defaults not present

usage: appdaemon [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-p PIDFILE] [-t TICK] [-s STARTTIME]
                 [-e ENDTIME] [-i INTERVAL]
                 [-D {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-v] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        full path to config directory
  -p PIDFILE, --pidfile PIDFILE
                        full path to PID File
  -t TICK, --tick TICK  time that a tick in the schedular lasts (seconds)
  -s STARTTIME, --starttime STARTTIME
                        start time for scheduler <YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>
  -e ENDTIME, --endtime ENDTIME
                        end time for scheduler <YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        multiplier for scheduler tick
                        debug level
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -d, --daemon          run as a background process

What should be a simple task for the unsophisticated turns into a nightmare :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone who responded…the lights turned on at sunset! I am sorry if I wasted anyone’s time.

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No problem. That’s why people hang out here - to learn and to help.

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thanks for the pointer. I had the same problem and splitting my hairs for three days.

Great. I’m glad it was of help.

Thanks for letting me know.