The Xiaomi and Sonoff/eWeLink devices, especially the temp/humidity sensors: WSDCGQ11LM & TH01 (see my rant at the bottom of this post) have been so weird and unreliable with my ZHA (w/ Sonoff Tasmota ZbBridge), all my other devices have been far more stable, functional and reliable. Examples, I have a Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM that fell off my ZHA and despite hours of trying to reset and re-add it, it would never connect again to ZHA. So, I added it back to the Aqara hub I had and it has been reliably reporting temperature and humidity readings for over a year (of course, I have found no way to get these readings out of the Aqara system). Other Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM’s dropped off over time, a few I tried to re-add, some with success for a while. But I gave up on these units, and quit futzing with them. Then there is the Sonoff/eWeLink TH01 I have attached to my ZHA two years ago. I added it and according to the ZHA info and map, it is there but is not connected to any neighbor, this for two years. And all the while, this device had been reliably reporting temperature and humidity values (albeit at a slower rate than I or others (google posts on this devices)). But, the whole time ZHA has never thought it had a connection to either the coordinator or any router!
Bottom line, if I want a zigbee device to ‘work’, first I look to a Hue or Friends of Hue device and add it to my Hue hub, second based on price and other functions I look to Ikea products and add them to my Ikea hub. If I was more of a masochist, I guess I would third buy more Aqara and Sonoff devices and attach them to their native hubs (but no!). I have reinstalled a zigbee2mqtt docker container with the Tube ZB hub as I said, and so far I am impressed, but time is a tough teacher.
Rant on:
So about 2 years ago, I said, gee it would be great to have at minimum a temperature and humidity sensor in every room, refrigerator/freezer/wine cooler and outside the house. Looking at the fairly large selection of wireless sensors at reasonable price at that time, it seemed ‘doable’ … what an adventure!
To this end, which is not your question, but bare with me…
I have bluetooth low energy temperature and humidity sensors in all locations, combined with a Raspberry Pi 2 centrally located that listens for the BLE advertisements from these 20 sensors. I get about 800 readings per hour from all the sensors. I just happened to reboot the Raspberry Pi today to add a CO2 sensor. It had been running 144 days and I had not touched it during that period. That is basically 165 million temperature readings, nonstop, I just changed my first battery last week, most of the BLE devices are still over 65% battery charged. For more info: