Home assistant Android App and Let's encrypt certificate


Since today Let’s Encrypt as changed the root certificate and apps are not trusting the connection anymore. Same on IOS but it’s fine on Chrome.

Do you know how to trust the connection even if the certificate is not trusted ?


What version of android are you running?

At least 7.1.1 is required.

I have the same issue on my Ipad wich is the last version. Android 11 for my phone.
But it’s working fine on Chrome / firefox.

You can find more documentation here : Let's Encrypt's Root Certificate is expiring!

The only way it’s to add the new root CA Authority to the app / system / web browser.

Another solution is to switch to ZeroSSL instead of Letsencrypt.

I have the same problem. My Android phone has version 7.0. My other Android phone which has version 12 is working fine. Also, my iPhone is also working fine. Any fix for this?