Home Assistant Android app, turn off buttons when they are not turned off

Hi Everyone,

I downloaded the hassio app a while ago (six months ago) and run home assistant on a raspberry 4 (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.homeassistant.companion.android).

Now I was busy connecting an IKEA plug via the hassio (#zigbee). And I see interesting behavior in the hassio android, which I don’t see reflected in the hassio web interface.

Android app

android app hassio

When you look at the Verwarming Fan stekker (Heating Fan Plug):
I enable it by clicking on the selector (you see that I press my finger on it). But it automatically turns of after x seconds (it is still on in the web interface, and the IKEA plug is on).

The same with Automations
automation gif

Hassio web page (on chrome browser)
When I load the webpage of hassio on my phone and I enable the same Verwarming Fan stekker I get the normal behavior.

web interface hassio

Does anyone else have the same behavior in the android app?

Check that Android system WebView is up to date and Google’s version from the play store.

I had the same problem, updating to [Release 2021.12.7 - December 29] solved the issue for me.

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