Home Assistant App for Garmin

yes iphone 13

See Home Assistant App for Garmin - #61 by a_smart_hoome

I suggest you experiment with your Connect IQ app open then closed. See if it makes a difference.

:+1: It looks that you are right. The problem is with connect ap. Thanks for your time. The ap is perfect.

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Is it possible to get last change data of entity? For example temperature?

I’m not quite sure what you mean, but getting the time when a sensor was last changed is possible with a template menu item and getting the last value is possible with a template sensor.

Yes I mean time when sensor value was last changed. I need to study how to create right template. Thanks

Here is an example for garage doors:

{{ states.binary_sensor.garage_doors.last_changed }}

Excellent app. I also like the battery reporting, would it be possible to report gps coordinates as well? I understand if you dont take any new feature request, I can ses you have used a lot of time answering questions and helping people with various errors. Impressive work, thank you!

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There might be room to add some small functionality to the background service. It would have to be at the same cadence as the battery updates as there is only one service per app. I’ll raise an issue so that the request is not lost and forgotten.

See Add GPS reporting to the background service · Issue #94 · house-of-abbey/GarminHomeAssistant · GitHub.

I wonder if there is a low fidelity location available that does not increase battery demand nor have to wait for GPS to lock to a high accuracy?

It would be nice to report the location directly to homeassistant, as there are some issues with the companion app on iphones. You probably know the api very well, but it seems like you could use position with LocationAcquisitionType = 0

We are currently working on this idea under Add GPS reporting to the background service · Issue #94 · house-of-abbey/GarminHomeAssistant · GitHub. It’s nearly ready.

I agree cutting out the iPhone companion app would be nice a it sounds defective. What you are asking is not in our gift. Please complain to the authors of the iPhone companion app.

Wow, that was fast. Looking forward to test it. Do you have an account on BuyMeABeer or BuyMeACoffee ? I’d love to buy you some Beers :slight_smile:

That’s very kind of you. I suggest you hold off as the result might not be all you were hoping for. We are only including more information in the same background service API submission, we are not making the submission interval any more clever than it already is for the battery reporting. There will be no “events”, just samples at the interval you have selected in the settings.

Lately I have been using both your the widget and the application.

I recently had to change the URL (due to an expired certificate). Prior to this, both the Widget and the App were updated. From that moment on, things no longer work.

After I have sent a command, I receive a confirmation, but the command does not arrive in Home Assistant.

In putty, the next command does arrive in Home Assistant

curl -X POST -H “Authorization: Bearer xxx-here-is-the-long-lived access token xxxxx” -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d '{“entity_id”:“switch.garagelights”} ’ https://xxx.duckdns.org/api/services/switch/turn_off

Any idea what could be wrong?

Hope to hear from you.

Please can you verify that your JSON passes schema checks? I appreciate you have had the application working, but I want to first rule out deleted commas, typos, unoticed delete key presses etc.

You might like to use our new online editor that can connect with your own Home Assistant instance. See Web-based editor, it will verify the API access, fetch your JSON file, highlight any issues including mistyped entity names from your own HA instance.

Without knowing your application versions before and after its hard to tell what changes may have impacted you. Possibly the introduction of templates for status items? Again, verifying the JSON against the schema will highlight any recent changes you may now be falling foul of.

Solved, my entity-names in the json file where incorrect. Sorry for the inconvenience.

There is now an online editor for GarminHomeAssistant dashboard definitions available. It offers improved autocompletion and validation based on your own HomeAssistant instance. It is available here.

Hi , I have in configuration setup for lets encrypt
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
And when I try to add setup for cors to use web editor there is conflict with duplicate. So where to add setup?
- https://house-of-abbey.github.io

Referring to HTTP - Home Assistant, I just want to make sure you tried this?

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
    - https://house-of-abbey.github.io

We have all our options bundled together under a single http: section.

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I am trying to make this work.

I have configured the API (long-live token), also the https domain that I already had (I used the HAAS Control app that requires this), plus de json and api url.
Note the HA https domain is resolved locally on my local DNS server with a private IP but the certificate is OK. HA is not exposed to the internet.

This is my json:

“$schema”: “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/house-of-abbey/GarminHomeAssistant/main/config.schema.json”,
“title”: “Home”,
“items”: [
“entity”: “switch.luz_despacho_enchufe_1”,
“name”: “Luz Despacho”,
“type”: “toggle”

When I go to the widget (before clicking to enter) it says:

API: Available:
Menú: in Cache

so I believe something is right…

but when entering in the widget or app, I have the “IQ blue symbol” with an exclamation mark at the top-right corner.

What am I missing?

Thank you.