Home Assistant App on macOS Sequoia: Unable to Grant Local Network Access

On my MacBook Pro M4, I want to install the Home Assistant (HA) app to use it as a sensor platform to gather data. However, in the latest version of macOS Sequoia (and possibly earlier versions), there seems to be no way to grant the HA app access to the local network in the system settings.

When I try to set it up, the app doesn’t make any network requests and instead displays the following error message:

“Unable to connect.
The server with the specified hostname could not be found.
Error code: NSURLErrorDomain -1003”

Of course, I can access my Home Assistant server via a browser, so there’s no issue with the server itself.

How can I enable local network access for the Home Assistant app on macOS Sequoia? Any advice would be appreciated!

Does Home assistant not show up for you inside of the local network app permissions?

In Sequoia 15.2 it’s found in System Settings under Privacy & Security then Local Network

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everything is correct, but I don’t have home assistant in these settings. Is it possible to add them there somehow?

I don’t believe so, you’d have to wait for the app to request it I believe. Does it allow to you connect to an “external” home assistant instance? Through Nabu Casa, Cloudflare etc.?

I didn’t think about that. I have external access via kinetic. Now I’ll reinstall the app and try, thanks for the tip

when connecting remotely, the page for entering the username and password appears, but then again gives the error “Unable to connect.
Unable to complete the operation. (HAKit.HAConnectionImpl.ConnectError, error 0)
Error code: HAKit.HAConnectionImpl.ConnectError 0”

some kind of access rights are definitely needed here, but Home Assistant doesn’t ask me to give consent to use the network. And I can’t google anywhere how to do this so that the application makes a request

Thie is a “me too”. sequoia 15.2

I just updated my Mac to 15.3 and the HA on a server on my LAN could no longer be reached through my browser. I had to do what @Jbautista13 suggested in the screenshot above, but I had to grant “Local Network” permissions to Firefox, my browser. Works fine now.