Home assistant app only has snapshot images attached to notifications when on local network

hello all,

thanks for any help ahead of time. I have Agent DVR setup and i have home assistant setup and I have automations created to send notifications for when my cameras go from “idle” to “recording”, basically when they see motion. When im connected to my local network (my wifi) when i receive a notification the snapshot image is attached to the notification like it should, but when im not connected to my local network (just on LTE with my phone) then I still receive the notifications, but it wont have the snapshot image with it. what could it be?

Do you have your HA instance exposed outside your firewall, if so how?

This usually is related to the message containing a path to the media that isn’t accessible when coming from outside your firewall

No i havent done that, not sure exactly what i would have to do. Its weird to me i didnt have to do anything and I get my notifications when not on local network, but it just wont attach the snapshot to the notification when im not on local network?

The notification at its core is a JSON message delivered by your phones notification provider that says:

Hey motion! Picture here:

Your device on the local network can the reach that location and show the image.

If you have not exposed your HA instance outside it (mobile device) fails to pull the image (silently) but you still get the notification.

If you expose ha to the world (reverse proxy tunnel, Nabu Casa) it should start working.

thank you. iv never doen this, is their a guide around here that may help with that?