Home Assistant becomes partly inaccessible

Today for the third time in a couple of months time I had an issue where home assistant partly stops working.
The first thing I notice is that none of the lights work anymore. All the lights are connected through my Conbee 2. I can’t connect to it anymore.
In the Home Assistant UI a lot of pages aren’t available anymore. For example, when I want to open the logs page, it says “Error while loading page logs.”. However, other things still work well. I can still control my Sonos at the moment through HA.

If I try to restart HA via the UI, it never comes back up. A physical restart eventually does fix it.
I know this is not a lot of information to go on, but as I can’t access the logs, there is not much more info I have.
Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this or what I could do to at least get me started in the right direction?

The previous logs from before the restart should be available in your config directory in a file called home-assistant.log.1 . If you ssh into the config directory ( same place where your config.yaml file is) you should be able to open that old log file and hopefully get a better idea as to what is failing exactly.

I’m assuming you use ZHA and if the first thing that fails is the conbee that could be what is causing your issues, but without more info, I really can’t say. Also what hardware are you using and what is your install type? Do you use an SD card? These issues to me sound like signs of a failing/corrupt SD card as well.