Home Assistant Blue: forgotten username

I seem to have forgotten the username that I chose during initial startup and have been riding on the stored cookie.

Long story short is that I switched it over to a static IP and got myself locked out.

I’ve not configured much, so it is fine to reset the config.
Question is, what steps do I need to perform?
I’ve connect a monitor, keyboard and logged into the HA CLI with root but it is unclear what the proper steps are.

Thanks in Advance

Ok, for those other folks that encounter this challenge.
Thanks to some searching I was able to locate location of the file which contains the usernames.

  1. physical access to the Blue, plug in monitor and keyboard
  2. log into the HA CLI with the root username and no pswd
  3. login again – login and this puts you into the OS shell
  4. drop into the docker container running homeassistant -> docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
  5. this places you in the config folder
  6. cat .storage/auth and you shall find the usernames

At this point, I was able to login, as I recalled my password – just not the username.
I did however, change it via the document use of the auth reset --username xxx --password yyy (in case others need to fix that too).


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I’m having the same issues as you but having trouble following some of those steps. Could you explain it like I’m 5?