Home Assistant Blue ODROID 2+ slow boot up time

I have change my HA Hardware from Rspi4 to the homeassistant blue odruid 2+.
The raspi 4 boots up fast and I haven’t noticed any slow reboots.

Since I have moved from Raspi4 the HA-blue the boot time is around 4 minutes after pushing “reboot host” in Supervisor-Tab.
“Restart Core” needs only 25 seconds to finish. I’m using mariaDB and have purged the database down to 800MB - but no different.

Is this startup time normal with HA-Blue?

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mobile_app: 14
adguard: 12.5
netatmo: 11.3
homematic: 11.2
homematicip_cloud: 10.1
fritz: 9.6
flunearyou: 9.1
met: 8.3
coronavirus: 7.7
hacs: 6.9
hassio: 6.2
input_select: 5.7
zone: 5.6
tradfri: 5.1
input_text: 4.7
input_number: 4.7
counter: 4.6
timer: 4.5
input_datetime: 4.3
ipp: 4.1
updater: 4.1
mqtt: 3.9
tag: 3.9
input_boolean: 3.6
automation: 3.6
command_line: 3.2
start_time: 3.2
ffmpeg: 3.2
logbook: 3.1
scene: 3.1
homeassistant: 2.7
map: 2.6
blueprint: 2.6
apple_tv: 2.6
group: 2.3
media_source: 2.3
sql: 2.2
systemmonitor: 2.1
sun: 2
history: 2
network: 2
trace: 1.8
my: 1.8
dhcp: 1.8
tasmota: 1.4
tts: 1.2
soundtouch: 1.2
person: 0.9
device_tracker: 0.8
energy: 0.7
influxdb: 0.7
system_health: 0.5
camera: 0.4
webhook: 0.4
auth: 0.3
api: 0.3
lovelace: 0.3
config: 0.3
zeroconf: 0.3
homekit: 0.2
device_automation: 0.2
usb: 0.2
script: 0.2
default_config: 0.2
recorder: 0.2
notify: 0.1
light: 0.1
ssdp: 0.1
websocket_api: 0.1
cover: 0.1