Home Assistant Blue purchase

Ordered 4GB version from hardkernel last week. Tomorrow it will be delivered. Around 140 euro…unfortunately DHL send me the bill for taxes and import being 45 euro’s. Delivery to the Netherlands. Quite quick I would say.

The Home assistant blue is back in stock on hardkernel :slight_smile:
Ordered it last Thursday, it’s being delivered to me today. I also had to pay 45 euros for taxes (netherlands)


EDIT: It was just delivered :slight_smile:

Sent to Spain from Hardkernel in 7 days!!! Taxes where 60 € :frowning_face:

Also ordered last week and was delivered yesterday to Sweden. No tax or import fee for me. Guessing I’m just lucky this time not being billed by customs.

I had it delivered from Switzerland - that was really paying through the nose… :money_mouth_face:

Don’t expect to get one for ages. I ordered the morning after they were launched (Dec 13) from Ameridroid and I just received mine a week and a half ago. I am located in Illinois.

I ordered mine in Jan. Reveived it two days ago and had to pay tax (Germany) :frowning: Bad luck.
I will upgrade tomorrow. Let’s see how it works.
I’m a little confused of when to change the ip-adress.
Start ha blue, wait for access, change the ip and restart then install the snapshot or can I first install everything and change the ip adress as last step?

You can change your IP after you setup your new server.

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Ok, I did the switch. Came from RaspB3+.
After connecting to the new HA, I had to restart the supervisor, because it had started with errors and wasn’t working. But a restart solved the issue. Then I installed the already uploaded snapshot and after had to restart some addons additionally everything worked in the end.
I increased my recorder from 7 to 14 days(enough disk space available) and moved from drop box backup to the google drive addon.
Thats it - everythings fine.
My average cpu utilization droped from 7% down to 2% and the GUI is a bit faster. Thats the first differences I recognized. Ah- and the logbook is really fast.
The question now is: what can I do with the raspb3+? Backup system, host for conbee, something else? I think a backup and test system would be great. But how can I configure that in order to avoid conflicts with the main HA in the network?