Home Assistant Blue start/stop / connect putty

there are always different views, misunderstandings and opportunities for learning. Thanks for the help.

As a newbie I benefit a lot from the forum. I admit reading all the stuff more carefully would have avoided some loops. Installation is just no my thing. Hope I can give back sometime in areas I understand better such as datamodels, and algorithms. My only meaningful contribution so far was Utility Energy (daily delta) restarts with 0 zero, - #5 by brun059

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This thread is a fantastic example of the pains that I feel every time I try to do something more than absolutely basic happy path in HA. Updating the most used pieces of the UI to provide helpful information for a good user experience would avoid the confusion that is discussed in this thread.

The “Show disabled ports” section under Network settings is an example of the type of things that could be improved to help users who do not have years of HA tribal knowledge. It’s still unclear to me how that section works. More specifically, the default for the section is an unset toggle for “Show disabled ports” that when toggled on shows an empty text box that may or may not indicate that 22/tcp is the default value. So then let’s say that a value is included in that text box, that section now says “Change the ports on your host that are exposed by the add-on” followed by a port number followed by a toggled on value for “Show disabled ports”. In this case, what state are we now in? (Rhetorical question for illustration.) It’s like this in so many places, which invariably leads to a long goose chase that has threads like this one.

Some of us are paying monthly to support improvements, but this most core stuff continues to lie fallow while new features are added every month that are used by a tiny portion of users. So please, rather than blame those of us who are trying to ask questions for not asking the question in the precise words, please try to help us to ask the question properly. There are basic things that we don’t even know to specify, and if you can help us by asking more questions, then we’ll come up to speed and pay it forward rather that flip the table and leave. Thank you.

In his defense, he did say on at least two occasions in this thread that he could not connect using putty.

Thanks Thomas