Home Assistant Calendar iFrame Loads Forever on iOS App


I am trying to set up a way for my wife to easily add events to a local calendar. On tablet and PC I have a nice iframe that embeds the calendar in with the rest of the dashboard. I could not find a card that let you add an event, otherwise that would have been my first choice:

I also set it up so non-admin accounts always hide the HA side bar so all you’d see is the custom one.

Problem is, when I go to this page on my iOS Home Assistant app the iFrame loads forever, not sure why. I also can’t get to the actual calendar page on the app because if I click the hamburger to get to HA settings the app freezes and needs to be restarted. If I navigate in a web browser on the phone neither of the issues happen but the iFrame is tiny which is an unrelated issue.

Here is the iFrame card which makes up the page with the calendar. I don’t really need this to work, I just need a way for someone to add events to local calendars from a phone or tablet. There’s plenty of great options to display the upcoming events.


  - view_layout:
      grid-area: iframe-calendar
    type: iframe
    url: /calendar
    title: Calendar
    aspect_ratio: 60%
