Home Assistant Catastrophic Failure

Good day to everyone and thanks in advance
Hold on tight this will be a doozy.
Specifics about my system:
HA is running in VirtualBox on a W10 host.
Supervisor version 2024.02.1. Core version 2023.5.4

About a week ago I lost access to the HA webpage and everything stopped working. Come to find out the SSD in my W10 system has died. After some extensive data recovery I managed to get the VDI off the SSD intact (or so i thought) Once I got the VDI back on my W10 host I booted up home assistant and everything seemed find but I do not have access to the webpage and the Observer states:
|Healthy:|Unhealthy* [setup]

Now for the things I have tried…
Supervisor repair - completes successfully
Supervisor reload - completes successfully
Supervisor restart - completes successfully
Supervisor update - No update available
Core check - Processing…Done Completes successfully
Core rebuild - Processing…Done Unknown Error, See supervisor

Core update - Blocked from execution, system is not healthy

Booting from slot A will get me to a failed to launch HA Cli.
Slot B boots just fine albeit no access to the GUI

One of the errors I got initially pertained to not being able to read the headers on the backups. So i read a bit and saw some people with storage issues due to backups taking space. I made the VDI larger by 8GB and rebooted. Still issues. I went ahead and deleted all the backups and rebooted. Still nothing

Im really not sure what else I can try. I really REALLY dont want to have to do a fresh install but if I absolutely have to is there a way to import my Z-Wave network as is or do I have to manually re-add each device?
Also I have a tonne of automations that took me a while to create, is there any way to recover those?
Any help is greatly appreciated. At this point im getting desperate.

Why not just restore one of those backups? After all.its what they are for.

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Well I did delete them but i still have the original VDI that i recovered.
If i can get the backups back, how do i restore them? And how would i know which one to restore?

Half way down this page it will help you out. look under backups.

Before you go much further setup automatic backups to google or NAS. It makes this sort of situation a 1/2 hour job to recover from.

I would just restore the last backup as it was unlikely to create a backup if it wasn’t running.

You can mount that VDI in another VDI. Then simply copy the latest backup.

I will go ahead and start this process with the old vdi backup. Ill grab the most recent one and see what i can get out of it.
I shall report back with my findings

Welp just a slight issue. Looks like all my backups are nearly a year old unless im reading this wrong