Home Assistant Cloud Alternatives


If i put this, when i try using chrome or firefox give me the error 404 not found, then using this url in lambda must work?


Hi @anthonylavado,

Sorry i write you because i’m desespareted implementing haaska to use with mi skill.

I followed all steps that you said in this url:


I created the test with exacly these data:

in token option i need to put my token that i generated from HA?

Then i make the test here…

And i have this result:

What’s happening? why appears this error?


Looks like you’re missing “requests” module.
Is there a “requests” folder inside your “haaska” folder on AWS Lambda?
If not, did you do a Make on haaska-master to generate a haaska-zip and then upload it to AWS?

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Hi @wmaker,

Thanks for reply.

No i don’t have any “request” folder in my haaska folder.


I didn’t do it make :), sorry i will try do it now with my docker.


Now has other vision :slight_smile:


hope will work!

test now says ok!


Good news!

Thanks to everyone!

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@garvarma Thank you for using Haaska!

@wmaker Thank you for stepping in with the quick help :smile:

Is there not any way to connect Alexa directly to Home Assistant? I really don’t want to send my data half way around the globe and then back through a port in my router when both devices are on the same local network to begin with…

Can you run the Haaska skill locally somehow and avoid using AWS? Or is there some other local API that could be used? I’m okay with coding it myself if I have to, I just need to find out what options there are :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, all magic that Alexa provides is delivered by Amazon’s services and therefore you need to have Alexa connected to the internet. Your only other option would be to use another voice assistant solution. To my knowledge however, there are no real local-only alternatives compared to the rich set of features Alexa & Google Home currently provide.

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Anyone know how to integrate haaska into code-red?

I´have a error in autorization. In every Redirect URLs or for the 3 URL

This is an error in the Login with Amazon setup… let me get the thread where we discovered this.

@tcruz See this:

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@anthonylavado Thanks, i follow the post but don´t work :frowning: the error it´s the same.

@anthonylavado Done y solved the problem, the url to privacy is: https://developer.amazon.com/loginwithamazon/console/site/lwa/overview.html

Anyone tried this setup?

FYI Emulated Hue stopped working properly at release 0.91.4. It no longer turns on Input _booleans and with switches lacking brightness it performs the action but then announces the device is not working. There is a patch but it hasn’t been integrated into any of the recent updates including 0.93.3. It looks like a hack in emulated hue went unnoticed. I guess I need either to look at Node Red or start using the HA Cloud. I don’t m ind the price but dislike the idea of another cloud. OTOH it looks like hacks in the older Alexa interfaces can go unnoticed/uncorrected for a while.

Whats the point of homeassistant if you cant use it to local control lights using alexa… the whole point and goal of homeassistant was to get away from relying on the cloud… most of the new alexa devices support local control now for lights and things even when your alexa goes offline but now homeassistant doesnt support local connection to alexa… is this going to be fixed so that homeassistant is true to its roots or not?

Your beef is with Alexa not HA.