HA Cloud works great with Google Assistant, it maps everything I need in it and it works fine.
The problem is really specific to Google Home app for additional users, members of my Ghome structure…
I basically create routines in Google Assistant using the scenes mapped from HA and this also works great.
The issue is for my GF (member of my google Home structure). She sees all devices from HA BUT NO SCENE.
***Actually, she sees one for some reason…
And it seems when using routines, it is user specific so my routines cannot be used by her (so the goal would be to recreate her own routines like mines but again, she doesn’t see the HA scenes).
Does anyone has any hint on how to resolve this?
Not 100% sure this is a HA issue or a Google issue (but her profile sees everything else (not just HA devices)… really about the scenes (that I see perfectly in my profile).
Thanks in advance for any help on this
# Cloud
- switch
- light
- scene
- lock
# - script
- switch.qbittorrent
- switch.wol_sfpc06
- light.bureau
- light.ch_thomas
- light.chambre
- light.cuisine
- light.entree
- light.etabli
- light.exterieur
- light.flashing_lights
- light.hotte1
- light.hotte2
- light.salle_a_diner
- light.salon
- light.sous_sol
- light.ampouleplafond1
- light.ampouleplafond2
- sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_temperature
- sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_relative_humidity
- sensor.capteur_soussol_temperature
- sensor.capteur_soussol_relative_humidity