Home Assistant Cloud no Wake word engine found?

Hi i am new to HA, and try to find my way through it :slight_smile: .
now i bough a M5 echo for HA cloud so i can talk to it :stuck_out_tongue:
after i connect my device and followe the guide i was able to install and connect the device to HA. but it doesnt respawn to “Ok Nabu” only if i turn of wake word and press the button by hand.

if i look under Settings – Voice assistants – Home Assistant Cloud – wake word
it says wake word engine - No matching entities found

is this normal?
if i look on youtube they have some engine there…

can somone help me ?

Have you installed the openWakeWord addon?

Yes i just did, it running still Home Assistant Cloud is showing “wake word engine - No matching entities found”

Hi Thanks i was able to fix my issue, i had to activate the " OPENWAKEWORD ADD-ON" after that i was able to select the engine.

i was expecting that this was already configurated OOBE after you login on the cloud part from HA.