Home Assistant Cluster Feature Request

i do not know if HA has it already i tried googling but shows nothing.

looking to a feature of Cluster… so when HA breaks like it did for me last night due to leaving the ESP Home Logger open and while i was sleeping it broke home assistant and turned shut the OS off

but like Microsoft has cluster computers… not 1 single point of failure… so MS say has 100 computers and all point to it and do load balancing… so if say 5 computers fail… you still have Microsoft dot com

id like to see that in Home assistant…
so you have your Main… and say you have 2 or 3 Home assistant running as backup…
now whatever changes you do on Main or any of the 2 or 3 backups… also gets replicated on all of them… it be different from the remote instances cuz for each one you gotta make a new page new automations new scripts…

but i mean a complete clone so 1 change and it gets cloned to all the home assistant instances

this way when your HA crashes… the other 2 or 3 will still be running and will handle load/fail over so your not dependant on 1… i do do some fail over using a 2nd home assistant but its not a full setup as i didnt wanna recreate things… and i have ideas how to work around that…

but be nice… update 1 HA and it clones that across the board to the other clone/failover/cluster setup so when ur setup fails the others pick up the slack

now i dont know if its in these new versions but if it did then please share me a link… if not it be a nice option in future

example id like is like

      all (backs up everything)
      name:  backup server 1
      name:  backup server 2

May MQTT Eventstream is an alternative? Never used it, though …

Microsoft is targeting the enterprise where redundancy is a priority for most everyone. Very few home users perform regular backups. Even fewer would setup redundancy. I see this as a lot of development work for a small segment of users.

I currently administer many different redundant systems for my employer.

ah ok. i not sure never saw that …
does it let you duplicate all dashboards all intergrations so on master it automaticlly adds to the slave?

so i use TPlink Switchs and plugs since that tuya is a pain in butt

does it let me add TPlink Switch on the master… and then the mqtt evenstream clone that Tplink switch on the slave device… same with making Dashboards

so my scenerio would be… if you got 3 Identical HA running
when your main one is turned off crashed whatever… the other 2 pick up the slack and act like the main one… so if the main is down… and you reboot the 2 other backup HA they still act like they are the Main HA so a total clone of the Main minus the Host name i guess

what i kinda see is both HA master and slave have to be up and it communicates but does say it sends a complete clone of all Dashboards. Hacs,intergrations, automations, and saves it to the slave…

but i dunno ill take a look

as right now what i have done is copy my main HA VM
copy it to my 2nd computer… then boot it up and change the Host name…

so i can get 2 HA with duplicated dashboards hacs, intergrations so i have a total fallover/fail safe backup

since yourmain goes down u got nothing your like boating in a lake in novemeber your engine fails and u got no way to get back broke down no backup plain
where someone might have 2 identical engines so one fails… you flip the the 2jnd cuz its identical

but ill try the mqq evenstream and see if it will duplciate everything easier as it be nice to edit 1 HA page and it clones that page instantly to the other HA i running… or edit a ESPHOMe page… and then it get instantly cloned to the other home assistant vms
like running a rysnc it synces with other servers

Have a read of this post:

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ok ya i read… i dont use unraid dockers… i actually use KVM supervisor and run them as a VM in unraid…

but it be nice if Home assistant in future then could replicate to other HA where as right now i have my HA running as long as i dont do major changes… i shut it down i copy the VM home assistant to my other unraid boot it up change the name from homeassistant to backuphome so i can run identical copies

ill post in that forum see if anyone has made it work for OS version not just docker…
nmaybe they have a solution too
thanks for the post… but hopefully HA will eventually have it built in the replication of hacs/scheduler,updates,dashboards,all intergrations that were added on the main… and do it all automaticlly the instant you do it on the main …

but ill leave a comment there too

i need home assistant to save it… i not sure how to do it from home assistant time… i will re try what the video does… just was hoping a simple way… i figured i could just save Home assistant time right into the screen… but ill try a video i had found…

but figured maybe there was like 1 line of code i was hoping
but thanks for the help so far…i appreciate it

And this ?

didnt see this one… i ll check it out thanks

@francisp guess i did read it as i commented 4 days ago… i did read other guys article too where he gave up so there is no good solution and they all using it as a docker… i dunno if it can work the same for supervisor?

as my only solution was i copy the entire vm to my backup server and then boot up and change the host name… but i dunno if i copy the folders if it works as i know i used to get access denied or read only through windows… so thats how i just copied teh entire vm
so was hoping a built in feature in HA it would tell backup 1 2 3 servers take this new update of files… or what not i did look into kubernetes having issues with my internet so wasnt able to install on my unraid… and the gluster and the other one to manage things

but still be nice a future feature so all u have to do is

      all (backs up everything)
      name:  backup server 1
      name:  backup server 2

and so on and your add that to your configuration file… and it do it all behind the scenese

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I am running HA on an ODROID system. It sure would be nice to have a second ODROID on my network in a High Availability configuration.