Home Assistant collaborates with KNX

Great News! Many thanks to the KNX Integration Team!

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Congratulations. Hopefully this will be useful for enhancements regarding covers (HA: 0% means closed, KNX. 100% means closed).

Great news! I have a knx setup at home and just received my HA yellow!

Which ip bridge/interface do people recommend? That’s really the last missing part now

If you don’t already have one, and don’t want to go for a 2nd hand device (which would be perfectly fine in most cases) I can recommend

  • Weinzierl 732
  • Enertex IP Secure Interface

Or their router counterparts if you need it. Weinzierl also has a Knx ModbusTCP interface that provides Knx Ip tunnels - haven’t tested it, but looks interesting.

If someone knows how to integrate HA with this kind of KNX installation :frowning:

If you are looking for a very cheap solution that works perfectly, check this:

I just bought a used knx usb interface on eBay and used the approach in the link.

Worked without any issue.

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Recently, Homeassistant started to support Matter and I think even has options to directly span a Threat network.

On the commercial space, the equivalent to “Matter over Threat” is “KNX IoT over Threat”. First devices have been launched by Siemens recently.

Does Homeassistant also support “KNX IoT over Threat”?

Disclaimer: I happen to work at Siemens Building Technology Headquarter as a product manager :wink:

No. It supports plain old KNX/IP.

Are you aware of any plans to support it in future?

There are none. But it is still a community project - if someone wants to add support for it, that’s always possible.

That said, it is probably a long stretch to support configuration of Knx Iot devices from HA.
Building a Knx-IP to IoT bridge and configure IoT devices from ETS (and integrate them with the rest of the KNX system) would probably be feasible. But on the other hand, this could just as well be a standalone project running in some docker container or such.
I’d go as far as to say KNXA should provide such a software-bridge if they want their IoT protocol to succeed in residential homes. Or have their manufacturers build that into standard KNX-IP routers. But then again, their members would miss the opportunity to sell another 500€ DIN-Rail device :person_shrugging:

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@farmio can this be done?

Some posts (in other forums) say you have to export-transport-import a file from KNX to HA. That would be horrible as an IT concept and require a KNX ETS6 license as long as you have changes in your KNX installation. But maybe, this information is outdated now?

Somehow the same question, in different form: I assume the new HA-KNX integration uses the KNX API described here: https://support.knx.org/hc/en-us/articles/10386532582930-Downloads . Does the API require a valid ETS6 license? (If yes, this would raise a few more questions, since ETS6 could sit in the cloud if not used locally/ with a dongle). Or does the API read all objects from the actual installation?

Or is the file-based transfer used for initial setup/ configuration and API accesses only “registered” entities?

Hi :wave:!

No. Unless someone implements parsing Knx application files, presenting the options and writing the data, this can not be done. And if it could, it would invalidate the ETS project state - which is in Knx considered the single point of configuration truth.

First of all: there is no “new Knx integration”. It’s the same as it has been since ~ HA 0.50 - slowly evolving.
Knx Iot API is not used. It would not require an ETS license to use it, but a hardware gateway which had to be configured by ETS.

The API doesn’t provide any more information than the project file. It does however provide a way to communicate with devices. But that can be achieved by standard Knx IP just as well imho.

@farmio Hi! I have been using ioBroker for a few years and I would like to switch over to HA. I have about a thousand KNX group addresses. That’s what has stopped me so far from abandoning ioBroker.

After the announcement of HA collaborating with the KNX Association back in June last year, I hoped for a “one-click solution” to import all group addresses to HA like it is possible in ioBroker.

Is there anything in the pipeline in the foreseeable future that would make the import of a large KNX project like mine easier? I don’t won’t to spend plenty of hours doing it manually and there is an update bringing a one-click solution just a couple of weeks later…

Any updates would be appreciated.


Hi :wave:!
I don’t know ioBroker. But I guess it works quite a bit different than HA.
Importing GAs alone is not really that valuable in HA as we need complete entity definitions - so knowing semantics between GAs - ie. light: which GA is on/off, state, brightness etc. for each entity. And that’s what is stopping every effort of a “one-click-solution” - which was never announced, nor planned - there is hardly any meaningful non-custom semantics we can make use of.

What is planned (and was before “KNX Association collaboration”) is to build a UI for entity configuration.
But imho, for a large batch of quite similar entities, using this won’t be faster than creating a configuration file - given you have some reasonable GA numbering schema and know how to use modern editors.

I can not provide any estimations for release dates. There are still some major issues to figure out and I am not really a frontend person… so there is much learning involved.

As always, any help would be widely appreciated.

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Thank you for your fast reply and explaining what makes it more or less impossible to do a one-click solution!

I think I just have to “play” a little with HA and unterstand the difference between entities and attributes before I actually start to get everything into HA.

I know there a good tutorials for integrating KNX into HA on YouTube. I will just start from there.

Unfortunately, I am only an end user and I don’t think I can be of any help! But I will report all bugs I might encounter.

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I was in a similar situation and the integration of the GA was stopping me for quite some time. 6 month ago I did the switch from IOBroker to HA. I should have done it earlier. What seems easy on the IO side is just getting the basic setup of loading the GA. But even in IO it is quite some effort to make use of the GAs. You alway need to do the unity mapping. This is now the main process which is done on the HA side. As you integrate the GAs you do the Mapping already. The outcome is a clearly defines data model.

Does the Siemens solution support Apple Thread Border Routers and Thread v1.3?

Currently 1.1
But an upgrade to 1.3 is planned in the upcoming weeks.

I don’t know, if Apple Thread Border Routers are supported. Anyway, to use it in the intended way, you also need to implement the KNX IoT application layer…

Great! Please, let us know when it’s available.

Why should the TBRs need to understand the KNX IoT app layer?

When it supports OpenThread v.1.3 it must work with all Thread Border Routers. So far I understand, it is a shall requirement. For example, a Light Bulb can be a TBR and help extend the Thread network.

But I also understand that the communication with the Thread Leader for onboarding new devices isn’t working well right now but should be standardized in the coming major release.

Are Siemens active in the OpenThread group?

I’m getting ABB modules. Any work on this is highly appreciated.
