Home Assistant collaborates with KNX

We’re excited to announce that the KNX Association has officially endorsed the KNX integration in Home Assistant. The KNX Association will collaborate with the KNX team at Home Assistant to help with the maintenance of the KNX integration and further streamline the user experience.

KNX is a home automation standard for commercial and residential building automation that works locally. It is mainly, but not exclusively, based on a central data cable which is generally installed when the house is being built. KNX also has extensions to work over radio frequencies or via IP infrastructure. KNX partners with hundreds of smart home manufacturers and thousands of installers.

The KNX integration in Home Assistant allows users to use the power of Home Assistant to unify their KNX devices with other smart home devices and experience a beautiful user interface, powerful automations, and local voice control. Users can also configure Home Assistant to expose non-KNX devices back to the KNX network.

Home Assistant introduced the KNX integration in Home Assistant 0.24 in July 2016. Since its introduction 7 years ago, the community has continued to evolve it. The development is currently led by marvin-w and farmio, who brought the integration to a platinum quality level.

It’s a thrilling time with organizations like KNX prioritizing seamless Home Assistant integration and working directly with integration developers. We couldn’t be more happy with where things are heading.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2023/06/27/knx-collaboration/

Love it! :star_struck:

Just started my very own test setup with a few KNX devices, this just comes at a right time! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Congratulations KNX Team!!! I have been using KNX integration for a long time and it is working stable from the beginning. The developers are always open for new ideas and do not stop improving both xknx and the integration. Honored and supported now by KNX itself is a great appreciation.


This are great news! I’m very excited for the KNX team! Congrats! :clap::tada:

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Amazing, very happy to see this! Congrats :tada:

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This is great news! :star_struck:

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Good news! :smiley:
Please add fan speed functionality to the climate enity :innocent:


Very very good news.

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Great achievement!
Well done!

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Great. Hoping to see all KNX data types show up in the HA


I finished the interior of my house myself. I used KNX as a solid and wired backbone for sensors and controlling lights to everything else. I know it as a very solid system and would not have done anything differently. The current KNX integration already offers me all the tools I need. This will probably only improve. This is very good news for more advanced home setups.

I like to see my home automation system in layers

  1. Independent KNX system for basic actions and switching

  2. IP Bridged services

I use Thinka Pro as an IP bridge and as a direct link to Apple Homekit (for Siri and iPhone integration) and Home Assistant for all extended and more complex automations in my IoT ecosystem.

The combination offers a solid backbone to a modern home setup :slight_smile:

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Hi :wave:! Are you missing some specific ones?

Congratulations to the KNX Team !
I have about 200 KNX entities in my home setup, and the KNX integration has never failed. It is rock solid and continue to bring more stability and DPT support.
It would be great if we can use HA to program our KNX devices instead of the shamefully expensive ETS software :slight_smile:


Guess it is not missing per se, but the dimming system in KNX is a bit difficult to work with via HA.

Great news, while KNX is somewhat expensive, and more fitted for new houses or major renovation. It is extremely solid, an open standard and has massive support, if it fits for your situation it is in many ways the optimal protocol.

This is good news. I have been using KNX Ultimate in Node-RED which has zero limitations as it simply exposes the whole bus via group addresses. The messages are extremely detailed and powerful. I have used it to integrate with my existing lighting control system. I can expose existing Node-RED devices to the KNX bus. Also it will provide logging of all KNX messages onto the dashboard if I chose. This means it’s easy to quickly see when a light was dimmed, to what level, etc. I am already using it to log temperatures from KNX thermostats into a time series database (InfluxDB to show in Grafana). I have enjoyed setting up gestures on my SE Multitouch light switch, to be able to do literally anything… e.g. walk into room, swipe in front of light switch, and the music starts playing from Logitech Media Server, or the projector screen comes down, etc…

This looks good - I’ll dig out the KNX integration and see if I can get it up and running quickly in HA too.


This is super super excellent news! :tada:

I recently completed restoring an old house with all new internals and used KNX as the backbone for all electricals and heating management. Next steps have been to add special purpose IoT solutions based on ESP32 hardware and drive these using ESP32. Examples of these are WS2812 light strips and Grow R503 readers for fingerprint based unlocking of doors.

I’m closely following The KNX IP Protocol · Issue #307 · esphome/feature-requests · GitHub which is a feature request for ESPHome to become able to directly communicate with the KNX environment using IP.
I’m hoping this will be added as I believe this will help me make the setup more robust, as the daily operations (interactions between the KNX environment and the ESPHome devices) will not be jeopardized by Home Assistant needing to be taken offline for shorter or longer periods of time.

Kind regards Jakob


Great news. As a new KNX user, (new house with over 70 KNX devices) and a frequent HA user, I am very excited to see this progress. Great work KNX Integration Team!


Amazing. as a KNX user , it’s a great job.

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Great! can it be used next to your excisting YAML configured KNX configuration, or do you have to replace the old one?