Home Assistant Community Add-on: ADB - Android Debug Bridge

Looking at the documentation for the FireTV component after your updates, it doesn’t look like adb_server_ip is listed as a configurable option.
Is it or is it planned to be in a future update?

EDIT: apologies, looks like I didn’t properly read your reply doh

For others that are trying to figure this out, I followed the code a bit for the custom component and realized you can add arguments in the “intent” data that get passed to am start. With that, I was finally able to start Hulu with the following:

    "entity_id": "media_player.shield_tv",
    "intent": "-n com.hulu.livingroomplus/.MainActivity"

For reference, the ADB command that gets sent by the service call is

"am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d {}".format(uri)

where “{}” gets replaced by whatever is in the “intent” field. That means, without specifying any flags, the input is treated as a “data_uri”. By putting “-n” first, it changes whatever follows to be treated as the “component”.

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I have this intents working and im using them with the new add-on.

Working intents

Starts Netflix (Shows profiles)
{"entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "netflix://"}

Starts Twitch (Starts to play the stream)

{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "twitch://stream/frenck"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "twitch://stream/drzzs"}

Starts Youtube App
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "https://www.youtube.com"}

Remote key press

{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_DPAD_UP"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_WAKEUP"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_SLEEP"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_ENTER"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_BACK"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_HOME"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE"}
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "key": "KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP"}

Missing intens

  1. Netflix that opens with a pre selected profile.
  2. Kodi
  3. Twitch that opens just the app, not a pre selected stream.
  4. TV4Play (swedish streaming service) Can be started with “adb shell monkey -p se.tv4.tv4playtab -v 1” from CLI but i want the intent.

Maybe someone have these working?


twitch:// as intent will open just Twitch. Also want the tv4-one, so if you figure something out please share and I will do the same :slight_smile:

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I cant get that one to work.

Here are my intents:

{ "entity_id": "media_player.android_mibox", "intent": "-n com.google.android.youtube.tv/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tv.activity.ShellActivity" }
{ "entity_id": "media_player.android_mibox", "intent": "-n com.spotify.tv.android/.SpotifyTVActivity" }
{ "entity_id": "media_player.android_mibox", "intent": "-n eu.hbogo.androidtv.production/eu.hbogo.androidtv.MainActivity" }
{ "entity_id": "media_player.android_mibox", "intent": "-n org.xbmc.kodi/.Splash" }
{ "entity_id": "media_player.android_mibox", "intent": "-n com.plexapp.android/com.plexapp.plex.activities.SplashActivity" }

I extracted the “main” intent from the packages by using this command:

adb shell pm dump $package | grep -A 1 "MAIN" | grep $package | awk '{print $2}' | grep $package


adb shell pm dump org.xbmc.kodi | grep -A 1 "MAIN" | grep org.xbmc.kodi | awk '{print $2}' | grep org.xbmc.kodi


Thanks to @ocso
Ping @teachingbirds

Here are some updated intents:

Starts Twitch
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "-n tv.twitch.android.app/tv.twitch.android.apps.TVLandingActivity"}

Starts TV4 Paly (swedish streaming)
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "-n se.tv4.tv4playtab/se.tv4.tv4play.startup.SplashActivity"}

Starts SVT Play (swedish streaming)
{“entity_id” :“media_player.shield”, “intent”: “-n se.svt.android.svtplay/se.svt.svtplay.tv.ui.StartupActivity”}

Starts Youtube App
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.google.android.youtube.tv/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tv.activity.ShellActivity"}

Starts Kodi
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "-n org.xbmc.kodi/.Splash"}

Starts Netflix (Shows profiles if its the first start.)
{"entity_id" :"media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.netflix.ninja/.MainActivity"}

Will update this Gist if i find more intents that works with the shield

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Just to help out here are some additional intents. These were tested on a Nvidia Shield TV:

 Hulu  { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.hulu.livingroomplus/.MainActivity"}
 Netflix { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.netflix.ninja/.MainActivity"}
 Live Channels { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.google.android.tv/com.android.tv.MainActivity"}
 Amazon { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom/com.amazon.ignition.IgnitionActivity"}
 Youtube { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.google.android.youtube.tv/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tv.activity.ShellActivity"}
 SPMC { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.semperpax.spmc17/.Splash"}
 Haystack { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.haystack.android/.tv.ui.LoadingActivity"}
 PBS { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.pbs.video/.ui.main.activities.StartupActivity"}
 Twitch { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n tv.twitch.android.app/tv.twitch.android.apps.TVLandingActivity"}
 Pluto TV  { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n tv.pluto.android/.leanback.controller.LeanbackSplashOnboardActivity"}
 SlingTV { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.sling/com.movenetworks.StartupActivity"}
 Philo { "entity_id": "media_player.shield", "intent": "-n com.philo.philo.google/com.philo.philo.login.LoginActivity"}

Here’s a command I came up with to get a list of activities to pass to the “intent” data with the “-n” flag:

pm list packages | sed -e "s/package://" | while read x; do cmd package resolve-activity --brief $x | tail -n 1 | grep -v "No activity found"; done

You’ll need to run that on the device itself via ADB shell.

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Hi guy’s,
with this add-on would it be possible to when I launch an activity called youtube or Netflix on my harmony remote. HA could then send a command launch said app on my shield.

if so, could someone please show me how the action would look in a yaml file?

Can you explain that command?
All i get is an error.

You need to run the command on the device itself. I did it on my Shield TV. If you’re in the ADB addon container and it’s already connected to the device, just run adb shell first. If you’re on a Windows PC or something, assuming you have ADB installed:

adb tcpip 5555
adb connect <device_ip_address>
# accept the connection on the device
adb shell

Edited my previous post for clarification.

Look at the Emulated Roku component.

Use it in an automation as a trigger and the Android TV intent service as the action.
Then create an activity for the app on your Harmony and add the corresponding Roku button press to the activity (you’ll probably have to do this in the MyHarmony program)

I am working on making this (though just as onscreen buttons for apps in my Shield TV activity) so I’ll share the code later when it’s finished.


I think my issue how to convert the service call as an action in yaml. Ive never seen intent used before.

I’m on my phone right now but i think it would look something like this: (using Netflix as an example)

  - service: android_tv.call_intent [or whatever it is, can't remember]
      entity_id: media_player.android_tv
      intent: "-n com.netflix.ninja/.MainActivity"
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Ok here it is:

- alias: Android TV Apps on Harmony
  - platform: event
    event_type: roku_command
  - service: media_player.androidtv_intent
    entity_id: media_player.android_tv_adb
        intent: > 
          {% if trigger.event.data.key == 'Select' %}
            -n com.google.android.youtube.tv/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tv.activity.ShellActivity
          {% elif trigger.event.data.key == 'InstantReplay' %}
            -n tv.twitch.android.app/tv.twitch.android.apps.TVLandingActivity
          {% endif %}

I managed to make 1 automation that can handle multiple apps instead of making an automation for each app. Less lines of code :slight_smile: .

Just add more else ifs (elif) if you need more than 2 apps and then change the key.
I used “Select” and “InstantReplay” because they don’t have icons next to them on the Harmony elite touchscreen, but you can use any command that isn’t named after an app name. (Here is a list of the exact names to use for each key)
Don’t forget to change the enitiy_id to the entity_id of your android tv.

EDIT: Looks like Roku’s docs say the wrong key value for the command “Back Space”.
“Backspace” doesn’t work but “BackSpace” does.

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Is this add-on is suitable for using with cellphones?

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Hi, I’m trying to understand how to implement this add-on in hassio. I’ve managed to get the add-on working, I’ve got a media_player entity that can turn off my android tv box but that’s all it can do at the moment. This adb business is well above my current level of understanding, so I’m starting with a basic switch to trigger an automation/intent. However, nothing happens. Here’s my automation

- alias: Android TV Auto
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.androidtv
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - service: media_player.androidtv_intent
      entity_id: media_player.androidtv
      intent: "-n com.google.android.youtube.tv/com.google.android.apps.youtube.tv.activity.ShellActivity"

Am I heading in the right direction? Sometimes it’s worth posting because the more eagle-eyed of you can spot an obvious mistake. Otherwise, is there something else I need to do to be able to use these ‘intent’ services?

Any pointers would be very much appreciated.

Maybe this could inspire some.