Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home

Thanks for this add on!
I switched from pihole but some problems occur. My internet connection seems to drop every few hours. My UniFi UsG can not connect To internet and all devices lose internet. When I remove the dns server from adguard (rapsberry homeassistant) to Google the problems seem to go away. Any thoughts? Anyone else see internet drops?

Bert what do you mean , you remove the dns server from adguard
I got same setup as you and dont have problems (or maybe i do something wrong and its not runningā€¦)

i only set the dns from the pi, inside the the lan connection of the usg
and dont have problems at all.

Not sure this topic is still alive, cause i aint got answer yet either :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for your reply. To point my devices to the adguard dns service I set the ip of the raspberry in my UniFi controller (network set-up). When I do this every few hours I seem to lose all internet connection. Devices are still connected to my AP but no internet. Also the USG hasnā€™t got any internet. When I remove the ip of the raspberry out my UniFi and replace with connection is stable for 2days. So very strange behavior.

For the installation: check https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-adguard-home/blob/v2.3.3/README.md

I believe after the installation I just added the integration with + and everything was there, switches and sensors.

I previously had a venv setup of Home Assistant and a AdGuardHome setup on the same Pi4, then I used the AdGuardHome integration to get all the sensors into my HA YAML GUI. After some issues, I created a new system with HASSIO & Supervisor, then copied all my yaml files for HA over to HASSIO and setup the HASSIO addon for AdGuardHome.

However, Iā€™m now missing some of the AdGuard sensors. Any idea what could be wrong?
The following sensors are those that are missing:


Any suggestions as to what is wrong would be greatly appreciated.


What port do i fill in? and user and password? Same as the pi?

Nevermind, suddenly it auto-discovered

HI Guys,

Had the same issued and fixed it with setting the right DNS IPs on the Home Assistant server. but now Iā€™m getting another error message which driving me crazy, what am I missing?

2020/04/17 00:08:44 [info] Couldnā€™t request filter from URL https://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt, skipping: Get https://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt: couldnā€™t initialize HTTP client or transport, cause: couldnā€™t do a POST request to ā€˜https://dns10.quad9.net:443/dns-queryā€™, cause: Get https://dns10.quad9.net:443/dns-query?dns=3HMBAAABAAAAAAAACGlwdjRvbmx5BGFycGEAAAEAAQ: synthetic.wrap: all dialers failed to initialize connection: , cause: dial tcp connect: connection refused (hidden: dial tcp connect: connection refused)

Also I can see that non of my lists on AdGuard Home GUI has rules (it always shows ā€œ0ā€ Iā€™m assuming because it canā€™t fetch any information, right?)

I have a question? I run HA in docker on Ubuntu. Now to start this addon I had to stop / disable systemd-resolved service because that was using port 53. Though when I stop that my server has no dns resolver and therefore a lot of stuff is not working anymore.
How can I run resolved and adguard on the same server? Since adguard has to be on port 53 for it to work with other systems.

You find the answer here (worked for me): https://askubuntu.com/questions/1124055/port-53-use-by-netplan


Thank you for that! All works now.

Hi guys,
can someone help me to set my OpenWRT router please?

I managed to run AdGuard, it seems to be working correctly I updated the filters, I changed settings in my router in Network/ DHCP and DNS/ DNS forwardings to my Hass IP. I can see on the main page that there is traffic going on by the ads are not filtered out.

I also tried to block Facebook etc. but the blocking doesnt work.

What am I doing wrong?

Try flushing the DNS settings on your devices.
My settings look like this, 2.3 being my adguard IP:

Iā€™m always in the same boat. Ads are still showing up on my mobile (android) devices.
Iā€™ve disabled IPv6, but didnā€™t help.

I have a request to make with this great addon.
Could we get a switch to block or unblock clients of AdGuard?
Iā€™d like to block a couple devices in my home from any internet when Iā€™m away or as a punishment or too much screen time orā€¦the list goes on.

I have found that if I go into the addon and open the webpage I can go to ā€œTop Clientsā€ and hit the block button that pops up when hovering over each client and it effectively blocks all internet. Good enough for what Iā€™m looking for anyway.

Not sure how this would be configured, but if we could get a switch for a client then we could run an automation against it like when dad is away then client x is blocked.

Thoughts? Would this be possible?


An add-on is nothing more then a way to install an already created piece of software. The feature request you are asking for is within the software. So at HA there is nobody who can create it for you. I think youā€™re better of looking up the developers of Adguard themselves and post your request over there.

can somebody explain to me what does "setting a fixed IP in your router is **NOT** static" mean? If I assign an IP address on router level, there is no way ma HASS will get any other IP. Isnā€™t it as static as it can get?
Thank you.

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Donā€™t know exactly why this is mentioned so specifically, but usually people refer to static IP as set at device level and fixed / reserved at router level. So maybe the setup needs a local static IP to work?
Where did you find those words? Maybe some more context would make it clear enough.

I believe this is being said for two reasons.

1: not everyone fully understands how to do so, and may screw up. So itā€™s safer to do it this way. For example: if you configure your router to push your AdGuardā€™s host as DNS server and you leave DHCP on on the host as well, it will grab that IP and go in a loop for each DNS query.

So, you have to make sure DNS settings are not pulled automatically from DHCP but have manual set DNS servers ( or etc). That should be sufficient. If you then decide to do static IP from router level, then no problem thusfar. Unless you go to point 2.

2: when someone decides to turn on AdGuardā€™s DHCP function, your host loses connection as thereā€™s no known gateway anymore then to query for settings. Having multiple DHCP servers on your network is not going to work, (unless you really know how to manage thatā€¦).


You really made that one clear. I did miss some context and totally missed the fact it was about the DNS IP, my head was only thinking about the device IP. :see_no_evil: Thank you for clearing it up!

I run hassio and just uninstalled the pihole add-on. Went to adguard add-on, hit install but it says it is not able to install, unknown error.
Whatā€™s the trick?