Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home

Ran into a problem.

I have set a static ip with nmcli. and I set the static dns to and
On my DDWRT I have the IP of my HA set as static DNS.
But when I check what DNS is being used it is Frontier’s (my internet provider’s) and not Google’s. I followed the how-to but must have missed something.

My Hassio is the NUC image if that makes a difference. Thanks for any help.

This is so the machine/supervisor has a DNS to use before the adguard add-on comes alive.

  • What DNS does the AdGuard add-in point to.
  • I presume your client machine/PC is pointing to the Router for DNS?
  • Have to rebooted the router (flush any cache)?

How do you check which DNS is being used?

You should see the queries appear in the AdGuard log.

is it possible to integrate a switch to enable or disable services like epicgames, youtube etc?

1 Like

That is what I get from whatsmydns

I know the woodynet is quad9, but I don’t want frontier DNS.

Do you see anything in the AdGuard logs?

Open a terminal on the client PC (not HA PC) and do dig yahoo.com (or any domain. What is the reported server used e.g.

;; Query time: 25 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Sep 07 18:06:27 BST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 56
;; Query time: 15 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Sep 08 01:24:11 EDT 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 239

Which is the router?

Do you see anything in the AdGuard log?

Is there a fall back DNS setting?

Hi All,

Having trouble with adguard after migration to a new server. a 502 gateway on ingress so the addon isn’t really started but i can access it throught the ip adress given in the logs but I also see no new request comming through.

  • OS: Linux Mint
  • HA: 0.114.4

did these steps on the server:

  • /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections$ sudo nano Wired\ connection\ 1.nmconnection
  GNU nano 4.8                                         Wired connection 1.nmconnection                                                    
id=Wired connection 1




  • sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved -> note systemd, i see many other using system but that service doesn’t excist.
systemd-resolved.service - Network Name Resolution
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
  • Router DNS forward to, worked before on the other server

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

# Generated by NetworkManager

During my search on google i found someone changing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and i also did that


I think i get no errors in the log of adguard:

[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: executing... 
 Add-on: AdGuard Home
 Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
 Add-on version: 2.5.0
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Linux Mint 20  (amd64 / intel-nuc)
 Home Assistant Core: 0.114.4
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 242
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: executing... 
Log level is set to DEBUG
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] adguard.sh: executing... 
[cont-init.d] adguard.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] discovery.sh: executing... 
[15:42:34] DEBUG: Requested API resource: http://supervisor/discovery
[15:42:34] DEBUG: Request method: POST
[15:42:34] DEBUG: Request data: {"service":"adguard","config":{"host":"","port":45158}}
[15:42:34] DEBUG: API HTTP Response code: 200
[15:42:34] DEBUG: API Response: {"result": "ok", "data": {"uuid": "698981a463524453b97a2ed7b47e079f"}}
[15:42:34] DEBUG: Filtering response using: .uuid
[15:42:34] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
[cont-init.d] discovery.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] nginx.sh: executing... 
[15:42:34] DEBUG: Requested API resource: http://supervisor/addons/self/info
[15:42:34] DEBUG: Request method: GET
[15:42:34] DEBUG: Request data: {}
[15:42:34] DEBUG: API HTTP Response code: 200
[15:42:34] DEBUG: API Response: {"result": "ok", "data": {"name": "AdGuard Home", "slug": "a0d7b954_adguard", "hostname": "a0d7b954-adguard", "dns": ["a0d7b954-adguard.local.hass.io"], "description": "Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server", "long_description": "# Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home
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Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server.
## About
AdGuard Home is a network-wide ad-and-tracker blocking DNS server with
parental control (adult content blocking) capabilities. Its purpose is to let
you control your entire network and all your devices, and it does not require
using a client-side program.
AdGuard Home provides a beautiful, easy and feature-rich web interface to
easily manage the filtering process and its settings.
![AdGuard Home in the Home Assistant frontend][screenshot]
[discord-shield]: https://img.shields.io/discord/478094546522079232.svg
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[github-sponsors-shield]: https://frenck.dev/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/github_sponsor.png
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[project-stage-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/project%20stage-production%20ready-brightgreen.svg
[release-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/version-v2.5.0-blue.svg
[release]: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-adguard-home/tree/v2.5.0
[screenshot]: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-adguard-home/raw/v2.5.0/images/screenshot.png", "advanced": false, "stage": "stable", "auto_update": true, "repository": "a0d7b954", "version": "2.5.0", "version_latest": "2.5.0", "protected": true, "rating": 6, "boot": "auto", "options": {"ssl": false, "certfile": "fullchain.pem", "keyfile": "privkey.pem", "log_level": "debug"}, "schema": [{"name": "log_level", "optional": true, "type": "select", "options": ["trace", "debug", "info", "notice", "warning", "error", "fatal"]}, {"name": "ssl", "required": true, "type": "boolean"}, {"name": "certfile", "required": true, "type": "string"}, {"name": "keyfile", "required": true, "type": "string"}, {"name": "leave_front_door_open", "optional": true, "type": "boolean"}], "arch": ["aarch64", "amd64", "armhf", "armv7", "i386"], "machine": [], "homeassistant": "0.113.2", "url": "https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-adguard-home", "state": "started", "detached": false, "available": true, "build": false, "network": {"53/udp": 53, "80/tcp": null}, "network_description": {"53/udp": "DNS server port", "80/tcp": "Web interface (Not required for Ingress)"}, "host_network": true, "host_pid": false, "host_ipc": false, "host_dbus": false, "privileged": [], "full_access": false, "apparmor": "default", "devices": [], "icon": true, "logo": true, "changelog": true, "documentation": true, "stdin": false, "webui": "http://[HOST]:None", "hassio_api": true, "hassio_role": "default", "auth_api": true, "homeassistant_api": false, "gpio": false, "usb": false, "kernel_modules": false, "devicetree": false, "udev": false, "docker_api": false, "video": false, "audio": false, "audio_input": null, "audio_output": null, "startup": "services", "services": [], "discovery": ["adguard"], "ip_address": "", "ingress": true, "ingress_entry": "/api/hassio_ingress/X0EzFt0apMTiAgod4Z3u_WWNAgkFEQ6ieUFr6paJGi0", "ingress_url": "/api/hassio_ingress/X0EzFt0apMTiAgod4Z3u_WWNAgkFEQ6ieUFr6paJGi0/", "ingress_port": 62857, "ingress_panel": true, "watchdog": true}}
[15:42:35] DEBUG: Requested API resource: http://supervisor/dns/info
[15:42:35] DEBUG: Request method: GET
[15:42:35] DEBUG: Request data: {}
[15:42:35] DEBUG: API HTTP Response code: 200
[15:42:35] DEBUG: API Response: {"result": "ok", "data": {"version": "9", "version_latest": "9", "host": "", "servers": [], "locals": ["dns://", "dns://"]}}
[cont-init.d] nginx.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[15:42:35] INFO: Starting AdGuard Home server...
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] AdGuard Home, version 0.103.3, channel release, arch linux amd64
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Initializing auth module: /data/adguard/data/sessions.db
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Auth: initialized.  users:0  sessions:0
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Initialize web module
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Go to
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Starting the DNS proxy server
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Ratelimit is enabled and set to 20 rps
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] The server is configured to refuse ANY requests
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] DNS cache is enabled
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Creating the UDP server socket
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Listening to udp://[::]:53
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Creating the TCP server socket
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Listening to tcp://[::]:53
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Entering the UDP listener loop on [::]:53
2020/09/08 15:42:35 [info] Entering the tcp listener loop on [::]:53
[15:42:35] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2 for OpenResty's LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from https://openresty.org/en/download.html)

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

nginx     10065  root    5u  IPv4  62719      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
AdGuardHo 10070  root   12u  IPv4  63776      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
AdGuardHo 10070  root   22u  IPv6  62716      0t0  TCP *:53 (LISTEN)

Here i notice port 53 is linked to IPv6 but IPv6 is disabled so don’t know if it’s an error or it is correct.

In Linux, IPv6 sockets may be both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time. An IPv6 socket may also accept packets from an [IPv4-mapped IPv6 address](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6#IPv4-mapped_IPv6_addresses).

Has anyone else got a clue were i need to look for cause i can’t find anything anymore in google. If you need more info just let me know.

Kind regards

[quote=“baz123, post:334, topic:90684, full:true”]

[quote=“liamp, post:333, topic:90684”]

Which is the router?

Do you see anything in the AdGuard log?
No errors or anything I see.

Is there a fall back DNS setting?
I don’t have any other DNS settings on my router except for the AdGuard ip.

Uninstalled it in home-assistant and installed it via Docker-compose, and it worked immediately.
So somehow it just wouldn’t work as an addon in home-assistant, still can’t figure out why.

I am seeing the same thing and the changelog for 2.5.0 says it

Upgrades AdGuard Home to 0.103.3

but I am not seeing that. I also have a second server running on another machine and they are clearly different (apart from the version number at the bottom)

Anybody else seeing this?

So no queries being handled in the AdGuard logs? Must be an issue with the router.

You can check that AdGuard is working by issuing the following (from a different machine to the HA one)

dig @HA_IP_ADDRESS -p 53 example.com

which you will see in the log.

Did you found the solution?
I also would like run AdGuard as a HDCP server and use this for a presence detection in Home Assistant.

It is possible?

I am also doing this… I have an Asus RT-AC68U running Merlin firmware and am using Adguard. More info here: How to Block Ads Using Asus Routers (RT-AC86U)

So are there only two people on here that are using version 2.5.0 of the add-on but still see the 102 version of Adguard?

Edit: Answer here: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-adguard-home/issues/78

Schuby doo has submitted a push request on GitHub that should fix the problem (I think) so I’m waiting for Frenck et al to push that out to a new release. I’ve a RPI4b and have uninstalled/reinstalled AGH multiple times.

Edit: Removed myself as #3 as I think you were referring to me as #1 lol.

Edit2: Interestingly, as I was moving my Hassio instance to an SSD from SD card, I restored my HA from a backup. Lo and behold, when I looked at my AGH, it was version 103.3! Interestingly, before (102.0) there was an “update” icon next to it. Now, on version 103.3, there is no such icon.

I have questions about Adguard Home on a RPi 3 B+ before I take the step and installing it.

First: If Im going to redirect all DNS routertrafic via the Pi will it be a delay in gaming or loading of webpages in the different computers/phones/iPads?

Second: How will the Pi performance react? A significant deterioration in performance or little impact?

Third: How much thinkering is it going to be before its functioning without any problems? Im thinking of websites that will not load so you Will have to approve them in Adguards interface.

Thanks in advance!

I have noticed no delay. Adguard tells me it’s average processing time is 132ms. Pages should potentially load faster without all the ad bloat. Gaming I would expect wouldn’t be affected because once the session is established then there wouldn’t be ongoing DNS queries.

I have noticed no impact on my Pi 3B

I don’t think any tinkering is required to get stuff working, it just worked for me. I think the tinkering comes with using its power to block stuff you want blocked. For example, I have mine to force safe search, use opendns for most websites to block objectionable material and selectively send some queries to my geo-unblocking DNS provider so I can watch BBC and some US channels.

What I would point out though is I have two instances running. One on an old Pi 1B and the HA one. This is because if you have only one and it goes down the whole internet in the house will go down. I need the redundancy if I am not home and there is a problem with one…

Hi guys, not sure if there is a problem, but I am exposing some issues with my AdGuard blocking rates which are decreasing constantly the last days, coming from anything above 60%, and its going down and down from hour to hour. Already restarted UDM Pro and ACs :man_shrugging:

DNS settings seems to be correct as the devices obtain IPs with the right DNS server

Bildschirmfoto 2020-09-18 um 12.30.52