Home Assistant Community Add-on: Bitwarden RS

A snapshot is a full restorable thing for this add-on.

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would it be possible to expose the /data directory of this container (or wherever the data is stored) f.e. as subfolder of the /backup or the /share network share? That way one could include the folder into their regular/daily backup routine. Having to manually create snapshots in random intervals at least to me is not really a sane backup solution. Also it is adding more wear to the SD card

edit: nvm, found the data folder of the add-on container - will create a symlink to a location I can access via network and include it in my daily backup routine

edit2: well, symlinking doesn’t work as for some reason those symlinks are not exposed/accessible via the samba add-on. It probably is a permission thing, but I don’t understand why, since the files accessible via the smb shares have the very same permissions than the symlinked files I created inside of the existing shares. Is there some docker magic kicking in and preventing it?


I’m trying to access Bitwarden using the Android App but I’m getting an error of: Exception message: Handshake failed

I have ssl enabled and a certificate obtained through the HASS Let’s Encrypt plugin.

I have also seen that TLS1.3 has been added to the code:

I’m running version 0.6.2 of Bitwarden, and HomeAssistant is installed in a docker environment.

Unfortunately there is nothing interesting in the logs to help me troubleshoot. I did increase from info level to debug level but didn’t see anything either. Though, if I disable SSL from the default config then I can access from the Android app:

ssl: true
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
log_level: info

In the app I have put as the server URL: https://fqdn:7277

Would anyone be able to offer any advice?

Many thanks.

Where abouts do i add the installation id and key? I can’t find it anywhere

Hello, I just wanted to express my gratitude for putting together this fantastic addon!
I was looking for an easy to set up self hosted password manager and this has been working great.
I appreciate all the hard work you do for the community.

Does anyone have autosyncing working with this?

I find if i make changes in either the chrome plugin or IOS app the changes never sync unless i perform a manual sync

Is this expected behaviour?

In my case it syncs, but not immediately…have you checked a bit later?

I’m interested in using the BitWarden add-on to host a local repository for passwords etc. but I’d like to be able to access (and update) entries when out and about. I’ve been able to install the add-on and access it on the local network. I’ve installed the iOS app. I’m looking for advice on security setup.

I should add I run HA on a Ubuntu server on my home LAN. I have a duckdns defined external name and use the Nginx HA SSL proxy defined to provide https access to HA. Has anyone got a similar setup who is also using BitWarden?

Thanks in advance.

I also do this, just with a custom domain instead of DuckDNS. I added Authy on my phone for 2FA access to Bitwarden, reckon it’s safe enough.

Good to hear, can you provide details on how you achieved this? I’m in need to guidance in terms of ports to open, where if anywhere certificates need to be added etc also configuration in the iOS environment. So far I’ve hit a brick wall in terms of being able to define a way of accessing the local repository from outside.

In NGINX I set up a proxy host that forwards the Bitwarden port from the Bitwarden addon config to a subdomain for it (bitwarden.mydomain.com). I also used the certificate generation option in NGINX, works fine. For the port forwarding in NGINX I used the https scheme.

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I think that’s where we might be talking at cross purposes. I’ve got the ‘NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy’ add-on working not the ‘Nginx Proxy Manager’, which is different and I have never been able to get that to work with DuckDNS. Hence my question. What I have running seems to be directed at HA only and no other hosting activities. My issue is that the Proxy Manager has never worked correctly and fails on the certificate issue, maybe I need to scrap everything and go back with a fresh install and see if I can get that working first.

Is it possible to disable the create account option? I see that is possible with bitwarden_rs and an environment variable. I’m just not sure how to set an env variable in the addon

You can disable that in the settings in the admin.

Does anybody know, when the addon will be updated the next time?

In the current addon, bitwarden version 1.15.0 isn’t implemented, so it’s not possible to use the soft deletion of items (trash functionality).

hi @plantoschka did u find that setting? i cant fing anything like that… and if I add SIGNUPS_ALLOWED
: false in configuration its still possible to sign up…

I installed the Addon but when I click on open web ui it just shows this:

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Did you find the dir? It is far too risky to use this if you cannot backup the database.

i ended up self hosting it outside of HA which gave me access to the necessary directories

Hi @frenck, just to say thanks for this great addon that I use daily on all my systems. All the best.