And in the logs:
t=2018-10-03T19:24:16+0200 lvl=eror msg=“executable not found” logger=rendering executable=/usr/share/grafana/tools/phantomjs/phantomjs
t=2018-10-03T19:24:16+0200 lvl=eror msg=“Rendering failed - PhantomJS isn’t included in arm build per default” logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error=“PhantomJS executable not found”
Thank you @frenck for the continuous work on all your add-ons. Really appreciated
I updated to version 1.1.0 hoping to be able to use the “[Direct link rendered image]” option. Unfortunately, it appears the dependency to PhantomJS isn’t fully resolved.
Do you have an update in the pipe addressing this issue?
I wondered if any of you guys could give me some pointers in the right direction!? I’ve managed to get influx db and grafana up and running with no problems! Great work on the plug-ins and the documentation was very clear too.
I’m quite new to all of this and have managed to play around with it to make some nice graphs etc. What I would really like though is for singlestat panels to tell me how long an entity is in a certain state / day. IE how long was I asleep last night? (Ideally even a bar graph with hours slept each night).
I’ve done a lot of googling, found a few other people asking similar questions but no answers. Any pointers/help?
I am currently running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. I am worried that the addition of InfluxDB will wear out my SD Card prematurely. I also have a Synology NAS (DS1815+) and was wondering if it would be better moving everything over to Synology or maybe just run the InfluxDB on the NAS and keep the rest running on Raspberry 3B+ if that is a possibility. Any thoughts/recommendations?
Hey there,
Addon is running great, thank you for that! But I cant export png file to display them in the Dashboard because it seems there is no phantomjs included with the addon.
Anyone knows how I can fix that?
You can’t. PhantomJS is not available for ARM machines (e.g., Raspberry Pi) (and therefore not compiled in by Grafana). Secondly, PhantomJS has officially been archived and dead now. Grafana is working on a alternative solution.
This release upgrades Grafana to 5.4.0 , which offers a lot of new functionality! Especially folks using it with MySQL will be happy to see the graphical query builder in this release!
PhantomJS has been removed from the build. It still works on AMD64 based machines (embedded into Grafana), but on ARM-based devices (e.g., Raspberry Pi), this has, and will, never work. I’ve tried several solutions and finally decided to add a note to the known issues and limitations in the documentation. For the record, Grafana simply does not support it, and the PhantomJS project has been abandoned as well. Grafana is planning on replacing it with Grafana 6.x.
People using the Discrete plugin may want to wait before updating, as there is currently a display problem with the plugin when used with Grafana 5.4.0 as mentioned in github.