Home Assistant Community Add-on: Nginx Proxy Manager

This is a really nice add-on, and I got it all working, but I’m wondering a bit about best practices.

  • In which cases should I NOT enable Websockets support and/or HTTP/2 Support? I have them all enabled atm.
  • Should I be using the same certificate for all instances on the same server, or should I have separate for each? At the moment, I’m using the same for HA and Node-Red, but a separate one for a website I’m hosting.

Hi All,

How can I add “TransIP” to the DNS provider list?
The AddOn Letscrypt have “TransIP” Already in the list.


I tried so hard to make this work but can’t.
Everything goes well until I request SSL and I get internal error
Of note I have the duckdns addon and nginx addon installed but stop both before starting this docker. Please help. Thanks

Anyone manage to get WebSockets working correctly through this?
I just get authentication errors in the HA logs and nothing of use in the Proxy manager logs.

Hi All,
Im running this Addon for a while, but today my disk crashed. I restored a HA snapshot containing this addon, but got some troubles with the mariadb addon which I fixed by reinstalling the mariadb addon.
After that the Nginx PM was able to start again, but I could only logon using default credentials.

To my surprise my hosts configuration was still working, but it was not visible in the web UI ?!?
Is there a possibility to get my list of hosts back into the user interface?


trying to run Nginx for some time, no success.

Internet access is with Huawei, which is optical router. It is in 192.168.x.x IP range.
I have then 2nd router, Netgear, 10.0.x.x range.

I have HA OS on RaspberryPi. It has 10.0.x.x IP.

I have installed Nginx as add-on, seems to be running, configured proxy host:


No SSL yet, having problems with letsencrypt - but I think this might be related.

When I click on mydomain.pl in Nglinx, it tries to open link but finally it gives up. Time out.

I have forwarded ports 80 and 443 in both routers.

When I call http://mydomain.pl:8123 , HA opens up.

I must have messed up sth with local network configuration, any idea what could I try?




did manage to overcome problem with generation of SSL. Now I am however stuck with similiar problem I have seen many times above.


I have opened ports 80 and 443 on my router.

Certificates are stored:


No problems connecting to http://ha.mydomain.pl:8123

When I try to connect to https://ha.mydomain.pl:8123 I get message error:


No errors in NPM log.

Any ideas?

Are there similar errors with SSL tab switches from the second printscreen turned on?

Does your certificate have a valid expiry date - ie. in the future (in SSL Certificates tab)?

Unfortunately no change after enabling Force SSL and Http/2.

Certificates are valid at least after June 26, 2021.

Can I trace somehow what happens with requests sent to https://ha.mydomain.pl?
Have only HA OS on RPi or Windows 10…

Hi All,

Can someone help me with follow problem

Failed to renew certificate npm-2 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain nextcloud.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-3 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain grocy.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-6 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain rpi.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-7 with error: Some challenges have failed.

mydomain.com is a placeholder for my real domain. But those 3 subdomains I don’t use anymore, they are not configured in NPM also… I have others… I checked the database of NPM also cant find them.

How do I get rid of it?

nslookup, ping or tracert commands might give you a helping hand, but it depends on your setup.

Have you tried accessing the addon from Portainer?

Challenge failed for domain wg.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-14 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain npm.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-16 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain nextcloud.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-2 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain nextcloud.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-3 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain grocy.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-6 with error: Some challenges have failed.
Challenge failed for domain rpi.mydomain.com
Failed to renew certificate npm-7 with error: Some challenges have failed.
All renewals failed. The following certificates could not be renewed:
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-14/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-16/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-2/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-3/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-6/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-7/fullchain.pem (failure)

I will remove this via portioner:

  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-14/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-16/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-2/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-3/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-6/fullchain.pem (failure)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-7/fullchain.pem (failure)

and same files in:

Reboot NPM and don’t see the errors anymore. THANKS!!!

In Settings there are a few hidden addons and you might need to remove the filter if it doesn’t appear in the list of all containers.

Then you can use >_Console menu to navigate through the addon

other strange thing I found and don’t know how this can happen.

There was a /backup/DMSR folder with a whole archive of my DMSR Reader Add-on database.

Those files are stored to Dropbox inside the DMSR Reader Add-on. I config I used /backup/DSMR

Now change this to backup/DSMR so removed the first / maybe this will help

I don’t use DMSR but I think you might break the addon case it expects a different path for the backup folder. You can see the mapping in Portainer for each addon (for instance, these volumes are used by NPM).

Hi every day I get this message or when I am in different locations:

Login attempt failed Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from a0d7b954- nginxproxymanager.local.hass.io ( See the log for details.

does anyone have an idea how i can fix this? thanks

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I can confirm that this works with both those add-ons stopped and prevented from starting at boot.

Does anyone know how the log files are cleared on the NPM add-on for hassio? Do they self limit or do we need to delete them?

Do you have this section in order to have secure connections to HA also from the other VLANs? I would suggest removing it and setting up NPM with basic HA connection; afterwards, if this works, it is only a matter of changing port and http to https of HA in NPM.

Why do you want to forward also port 81? If you want to access NPM from internet you can either setup a new subdomain (https://npm.your_current_address.org) or a subfolder (https://your_current_address.org/npm)

You only need ports 443>443 and 80>80 (both forwarded to NPM if not on the same machine as HA) or port 443>443 only if planning to use DNS Challenge.