have you tried with the latest update of the add-on
I tried it with the release 3.0.2.
So the port entrance is repeatedly asking you for credentials? If so, did you clear local storage as shown in Frenck’s gif above?
You’re my man
After updating everything (I saw @frenck did a fix, nice work!) and clearing the cache it started working. The toggle buttons “show in sidebar” didn’t work yet, so I’m going to try your panel_custom config now.
I’m getting the same issue. Am running Node-RED 3.0.2 on Hassio 0.91.4 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.
Accessing 192.168.xx.xx:1880 (which worked prior to 3.0.0) I get a repeating username & password challenge. I’ve tried Chrome (regular and incognitio) and Edge on Windows, Chrome on Ubuntu and have made sure the cache is cleared. Same error whether using http or https.
I can access via the Hassio ingres method so not urgent but would like to figure out what is going on.
Nothing in the Node-RED addon log. In the Hassio System Log, I get:
19-04-24 17:09:48 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.auth] Auth request from _nodered for
19-04-24 17:09:48 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Updated Home Assistant API token
19-04-24 17:09:49 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.auth] Wrong login from
I am using the username and password that worked previously, which are as defined in the Node-RED config file for http_node and http_static
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Well I’m stuck with exactly the same issue (see below) and have with no-luck tried to get help. But I think you should try some things out yourself. What I just did was entering the hassio user and password the first time your are prompted for credentials. Then following prompts you just hit cancel. Then you go to your “Add-on” section for Node-red and press “Open Web UI” and then just wait a bit and then node-red appears with all your settings and flows.
Thank you to Mr Borg for your advice!
It worked first time once I entered the Hassio credentials rather than those in the Node-RED config file. Human error - the SW was clearly working fine!!
Release v3.0.3
This release adds support for the “Add to sidebar” feature that became available in Home Assistant 0.92.
Please note: You need to have Home Assistant 0.92 or newer to be able to install this update.
Upgrades openssh to 7.9_p1-r5
Updates Home Assistant requirement to 0.92.0b2
Adds support for showing in sidebar
Questions? Join our Discord server! https://discord.me/hassioaddons
Enjoying my add-ons? Consider supporting my work: https://patreon.com/frenck
I can only agree - it can be VERY confusing to figure out what to use where in this weird Node-JS Extension world - I think we all have to get used to this because it doesn’t seems to be improved in the near future (usability I mean). My self being an analytic “visual” type of guy more than a “logical” reader - it would be great with more visual guidance. But hay I don’t want to sound not grateful.
Could it be possible to maybe change the setup section regarding this additional credentials setting?. It could say optional user and password or skip it totally to prevent any confusion
Should this work for accessing /ui also. I can’t get that to work.
It is not working for me also :(. hope there is a workaround but I didn’t find it yet.
My advice would be for the moment remove the Node-red access from the side-panel. It was nice to have but it sounds like it will come back in the near future. Run the UI from the Add-on part.
Beside that: Clear your browser cache - it helps a lot. It could be cool if you somehow could force this clearance somehow then A LOT of problems and incidents would never be created. I wonder if someone has made Root Cause analysis and statistics on this.
Is anyone having problems in safari? I enabled the port 1880 and i can login into Nodered but after 5 seconds it disconnects. With the ingress address on the same browser I don’t have the issue. Already cleared the cache.
I have some strains behavior, with Node-Red in Hassio. After are a reboot of Hassio, my Node-red won’t start any more. There is not even a log file.
Doesn’t mater with version of Node-red I’m running, before I was running 2.x when reboot, Node-red wasn’t started, when I upgrade to version 3.0.1 It could start again. After a reboot, Node-red wasn’t able to start. I did a restore, back to version 2.x Node-red was running again?
I’m lost, Where do I to look?
If you’re on aarch64, it’s currently broken in 3.x, you’ll need to stick with 2.x until https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-node-red/issues/199 is resolved.
Thanks for posting that! Just had to do the reinstall trick myself to patch the same error
@frenck I’m using nginx proxy manager, and I was able to upgrade to the latest node red addon 3.0.3, I’m not using ssl in the addons but I manage the certificates via Nginx. Everything seems fine, except I had to disable SSL in the Node Red addon… I think the documentation should mention that (the integration with nginx reverse proxy and ingress). Anyway…
I still have issues with the Node Red Dashboard.
What is the right URL to access it with Ingress?
I click as usual in the Node Red small icon which point to https://mysite.mydomain.org/ui, but I get a 404 error… of course also the iFrames panels are not working anymore…
If I enable the direct access on port 1880 I have the login loop issue with any browser…
Could you please help?
I’m also having trouble to work out how to access node red dashboard (ui) via ingress.
I’d like to use the zigbee2mqtt admin panel: https://flows.nodered.org/flow/1f1c0dde4ff193e5c14d5b99442a7d00
Is node-red dashboard via ingress possible?
Nope. You need to enable direct access if you want those things.