Home Assistant Community Add-on: Tautulli

:tada: Release v1.3.0


  • :books: Component > Integration (#50)
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades Tautulli to v2.1.38
  • :arrow_up: Updates pycryptodomex to v3.9.4 (#51)
  • :arrow_up: Updates plexapi to v3.3.0 (#52)
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades add-on base image to v5.0.3
  • :fire: Removes unneeded access to config folder
  • :books: Update add-on installation instructions

Full Changelog

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:tada: Release v1.4.0


  • :arrow_up: Upgrades Tautulli to v2.1.39
  • :fireworks: Updates maintenance/license year to 2020
  • :pencil2: Fixes some spelling and grammar
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades add-on base image to v6.0.1
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades gcc to 9.2.0-r3
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades python2 to 2.7.16-r3
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades libressl-dev to 3.0.2-r0
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades git to 2.24.1-r0
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades py-openssl to 19.1.0-r0
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades Tautulli to v2.1.42

Full Changelog

I’m getting an error stating that the “pyOpenSSL module is missing. Install this module to enable HTTPS. HTTPS will be disabled” after updating.

I’ve already reported it on GitHub

Hello there,
i just installed tautulli in a docker… Connected with my plex server and works ok but i can’t set up the sensor on home assistant. I have this but i don;t see anything in states tabs. Any ideas? For the api_key the generated one and the current one are different which one should i used? Tried both already

  - platform: tautulli
    api_key: XXXX
    host: XXXX

:tada: Release v1.5.0


  • :books: Update add-on documentation to use new YAML configuration format
  • :hammer: Re-branding
  • :hammer: Update add-on config with new password & list features
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades add-on base image to v7.0.2
  • :arrow_up: Updates pycryptodomex to v3.9.7 (#55)
  • :ambulance: Fix SSL
  • :pencil2: Replace some Hass.io occurances
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades Tautulli to v2.1.44
  • :hammer: Update community forum links
  • :hammer: Don’t use apk cache on cleanup

Full Changelog

Hi guys, the Tautulli master branch is at v2.6.1 meanwhile. Any chance to get a bump from the v2.2.4 of the hassio-image? Thanks in advance!



Does anyone know where to grab the backup config and database files?

Figured it out.

For anyone who is interested go into the web-ui and into ‘Settings’ > ‘Imports and Backups’.

Change the Backup Directory to /share/tautulli and then use the ‘Backup Config’ and ‘Backup Database’ buttons. They will appear in your ‘share’ folder

Thanks, you pointed me in the right direction! Dont forget to save on the bottom of the page in between changing directory and use ‘Backup Config’ and ‘Backup Database’

So how do you setup the addon? It refuses to work now.

I got my Tautulli running on a external device through docker. Stopped using the addon because couldn’t got the phone app working. Plus current version is outdated and trying to use my Raspberry only for Home Assistant. It’s still working though. Do you have watchdog active?

I got it working. Think I had a pound sign before it accidentally the line before or something it started working :man_shrugging: I retyped it

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Trying to upgrade the install at the moment but hitting a load of errors! Any chance of an update of the base version in a new image?

For some reason my login doesn’t work in the web UI…the mobile app is still connected and works fine, but trying to login via the web UI gives me the error below in the debug logs. Does anyone have any idea why? It’s super-frustrating, because I want to shift the app to a new phone and can’t register it because I can’t login to the web UI…or does someone know how I can get to its config.ini in the Docker container so that I can apply the recommended way to just reset my authentication?

Thanks in advance for any help!

2022-06-25 08:40:45 - ERROR :: (‘CP Server Thread-12’,) : [25/Jun/2022:08:40:45] HTTP
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/lib/cherrypy/_cprequest.py”, line 638, in respond
File “/opt/lib/cherrypy/_cprequest.py”, line 697, in _do_respond
response.body = self.handler()
File “/opt/lib/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py”, line 223, in call
self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
File “/opt/lib/cherrypy/lib/jsontools.py”, line 59, in json_handler
value = cherrypy.serving.request._json_inner_handler(*args, **kwargs)
File "/opt/lib/cherrypy/cpdispatch.py", line 54, in call
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/opt/plexpy/webauth.py”, line 373, in signin
valid_login, user_details, user_group = check_credentials(username=username,
File “/opt/plexpy/webauth.py”, line 135, in check_credentials
if username == plexpy.CONFIG.HTTP_USERNAME and check_hash(password, plexpy.CONFIG.HTTP_PASSWORD):
File “/opt/lib/hashing_passwords.py”, line 52, in check_hash
algorithm, hash_function, cost_factor, salt, hash_a = hash
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 5, got 1)

If anyone else comes across this issue, I managed to resolve it by uninstalling Tautulli, downloading my HA backup, getting the tautulli.db from the backup, then uploading it to the new instance…worked like a charm and also enabled login via Plex, which is way better and was for some reason missing from my previous (up to date) version of the addon.

Is there any way to change the Most Popular TV Show: sensor to pull in the data from most popular on tautulli? It is currently pulling in data from most watched which means if one user binges all of one tv show then it becomes most popular whereas it should be pulling in data from most popular which shows TV shows that many different users are watching. Same for movie