Home assistant companion and t-mobile internet gateway

I not sure I can even ask the right questions.
Has anyone configure HA remote access to work using T-Mobile 5g internet.
It seem others have the same problem.

My T-Mobile TMO-G4AR Arcadyan gateway can not be configured as a bridge, can not disable WiFi. or DCHP server. Plugged it into my tplink router, it assigns a WAN address 192.168.12… making the local network a subnet.
My Samsung SmartThing hub with zwave locks work with T-Mobile gateway.
My Rachio irrigation system works with T-Mobile

Any clues?

As it is a cellular service it is very likely using CGNAT, which is not compatible with dynamic DNS services like DuckDNS. Nabu Casa should work or if you want free try the Tailscale add-on. It’s probably the easiest VPN to set up.

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I have mine setup via cloudflare. Super easy to do - you just need a domain name.

Android app HINT Control will help you:
You can adjust position of 5G modem and switch OFF WiFi.