Hi, I recently started with home assistant and can’t wait to get some more advanced automations going. Unfortunantly I keep running into issues that consume a lot of time and make me wonder if I should invest time in the automations if I keep getting these.
Currently most annoying; the app gives errors. Yesterday I got this while setting up an external URL
Fout: De bewerking kan niet worden voltooid. (HAKit.HAConnectionImpl.ConnectError fout 0.)
I finally had to restart by clicking “herstel” (recover ?) in “Foutopsporing” (Error tracing?). It worked but I had to give my phone an other name and adjust all automations etc.
Today everything worked fine until a while ago, I noticed that my phone sensor status (charging) didn’t update and discoverd the app was offline again with; "Websocket
Fout: De bewerking kan niet worden voltooid. (HAKit.HAConnectionImpl.ConnectError fout 0.) "
From the log:
2021-11-18 14:53:26.569 [Info] [com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint] [PushProvider.swift:32] start(completionHandler:) > starting
2021-11-18 14:53:26.573 [Info] [com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint] [LocalPushManager.swift:99] invalidate() > cancelling
2021-11-18 14:53:26.574 [Info] [com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint] [LocalPushManager.swift:118] cancel() > cancelling subscription
2021-11-18 14:53:26.591 [Verbose] [main] [ConnectionInfo.swift:109] activeURLType > Updated URL from Externe URL (***.duckdns.org:8123) to Interne URL ..*.:8123
2021-11-18 14:53:26.608 [Error] [main] [Environment.swift:106] AppEnvironment > couldn’t create connection info: emptyHostname
2021-11-18 14:53:26.608 [Info] [main] [Environment.swift:53] init() > WebSocket: disconnecting; permanently: false, error: Optional(HAKit.HAConnectionImpl.ConnectError.noConnectionInfo)
2021-11-18 14:53:26.617 [Error] [main] [Environment.swift:106] AppEnvironment > couldn’t create connection info: emptyHostname
How do I get a stable connection and how can I recover without having to change my phone name in home assistant!?