Home Assistant completely broken after updating Portainer - please help :)

Hi everyone. I’ve been running Home Assistant Supervised on my Raspberry Pi 4 for months with no issues. I also have Portainer installed. Portainer has been nagging me to update to 2.x from 1.x for a while. I finally did so, using the directions found at https://dbtechreviews.com/2020/08/update-portainer-to-version-2-0-super-easy/.

However, now after updating Portainer, Home Assistant is totally broken.

The UI takes forever to load. Supervisor can’t connect anymore (“Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.”), File Editor and other add-ons don’t load. Something is seriously messed up. For all intents and purposes, my Home Assistant installation is unusable.

I have a hunch that when I updated Portainer, connections between Docker, the Pi and my Home Assistant installation were improperly changed, but I am very unfamiliar with Docker and don’t even know where to start with diagnosing or fixing the issue.

Would greatly appreciate any help on this matter.

Here are some logs (docker logs homeassistant) after restarting Home Assistant and waiting a few minutes - Pastebin is flagging my log output as offensive–it’s just my logs, I swear

Format your SD/SSD and start again, restore a backup assuming you have on. It should take less than 45mins to compete, easier and most likely faster than trying to debug and issue.

Yea, I was hoping that someone might have had this same issue and knew a quick fix, but I do have backups and will probably just end up formatting.

portainer shouldn’t hose other dockers.
Did you try down grading back to portainer 1.x ?