Home Assistant Config is not included, when automatically creating an snapshot

When I manually create a snapshot, the Home Assistant Configuration is included:

But when I use the service, the Home Assistant config is missing:

Here is the call to a full snapshot:

Is that intended? Do I need to change anything to get the real full snapshot?

Thank you!

It seems to be included in all my full automatic snapshots made via an automation at 3am every day.

So this is included too?

Yes it is.

@DavidFW1960 can you share your automation for the snapshots?

I think I can get the snapshot made as the service is available, however, it would be interesting to see any variables you can pass, like naming the snapshot.

It’s not very interesting:

- id: '1519082437913'
  alias: Make Snapshot & Copy Backups to Dropbox
  initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: time
    at: '03:00:00'
  condition: []
  - service: hassio.snapshot_full
      name: Automated Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
  - service: notify.notify 
      message: Created backup named "Automated Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}"
  - delay: '01:00:00'
  - service: hassio.addon_stdin
      addon: 7be23ff5_dropbox_sync
        command: upload
  - service: notify.notify
      message: Copied all new backups to Dropbox

It also notifies and runs the dropbox upload…

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I have a habit of leaving my configuration files open most of the day during a long session of tinkering. A lot of systems have issues trying to back up a file that is already open by someone else.
Could it be that simple?

don’t know but at 3AM I am normally sleeping…

What’s wrong witchu?