Home Assistant Container seems Empty

I’ve been using HA for a long time on a raspberrypi and am now trying to move over to my dedicated server. I spun up a docker (technically podman) container by issuing the following from the documentation:

docker run -d --name homeassistant --privileged --restart=unless-stopped -e TZ=America/New York -v /var/homeassistant:/config --network=host ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable

Everything goes smoothly and it spins up a container. Container is running with no alerts or errors. I try to reach, no luck, same for localhost:8123 and all other variations thereof.

When I pull up the terminal in the container and have a look around, I don’t see anything in there related to home assistant. Am I being daft? All instructions are super basic, spin up the container, start it, log into webUI…

I’m desperate, any help is appreciated.

I assume you mean and not ?
After you execute your docker run command try issuing the following command a few times to see if for some reason the container is failing / restarting.
docker ps -a

Each time you issue this command it should report an uptime for the container. If it is restarting then you will need to begin trying to understand why.

I did indeed mean 127.

The docker is not restarting or failing, running smoothly.

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                          COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS             PORTS                    NAMES
a48ff8a7ee07  docker.io/homeassistant/home-assistant:stable  sh          46 minutes ago  Up 28 minutes ago>8123/tcp  HomeAssistant

Well, I got it up and running with some pain and fighting, unfortunately it has other issues. I’m missing a lot of the options on the left bar, can’t get to configuration, don’t have any section for -Add-Ons, etc.

I think that home assistant just isn’t compatible with an actual server, specifically RHEL 9 running on a PowerEdge.
