Home Assistant control device outside the local network

Hi everyone.
I have a project in mind. I’m here to ask you for an opinion on the feasibility.
In my home i have different smart device, connected in Internet with a landline connection. I have not yey Home Assistant.
Elsewhere I have a garage. It’s too far from home to connect it to my local network, so i’ve bougth a 4G modem and I have Internet there.

In the garage i need basically three smart device:

  • IP Cam (i’ve the Tapo C200)
  • Open door sensor (I’ve just bought the Sonoff DW2 Wifi)
  • Sonoff 4CH Pro 4 (to control the opening and closing of the external gate and the internal shutter).

In short words, I want to supervise my garage, open/close the door and receive a notification if I left the shutter open while i’m not there.

To do this, i would like to set up my HA server in my house and make sure that I can integrate in that server this devices in my garage (in other network).
I would also like to control all the device in Apple Homekit, buying later an Homekit Hub.

Is it feasible? I think there are no problems for the sonoff devices, becouse I can integrate they with the Sonoff Cloud. But for the webcam i don’t know how to do. I only suppose that I have to manually open a port in the 4G modem, and use a ddns service.

Any suggestion are welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

Set up a VPN on the 4G modem. The garage would then look like it was connected to your local network.

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Ok, but setting up a vpn on the 4G modem means that the 4G modem will be the vpn server, and in my home with the home assistant server, I’ll have a router that will become the client?

Or I can setup the VPN connection in HA? If i would did this, the HA server can reach also the devices in my home?

I don’t know if its possible to create a VPN connection at HA, it would be fantastic.

A few months ago, I ran into same problem.
In my case, I installled a RPi 4 on my garage with internet acess (throw a 4G modem) and then I connected the RPi throw a WireGuard tunnel to my main router.

But going so, you can create a WLAN with your Raspberry pi and link the door controls, alarms, IP CAM, buzzers, etc.

As the 4G modem is an extra Bill to pay (and my garage is approximatly 70m from the main internet where my home assistant is running) I would like to try Lora Protocol to link my home to my garage. But until today, I did no research for that, so I’m just dreaming.

If anyone knows anything about Lora and Home assistant, please let me know!